Managerial & Professional Development

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Managerial & Professional Development

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Managerial & Professional Development1


Overview of Coca Cola's Policy, Practices and Approaches2

Policies and Practices3


Action Plan7


Expected Outcomes7

People's Skills7

Conflict Management7

Managing Diversity8

Coaching for Leadership9

Cross-Cultural Skills10


Negotiating Skills11


Reflective Account13


Managerial & Professional Development


Coca Cola is one of the leading companies all over the world. It not only aims to establish and maintain a desirable in the external environment but works to aim at implementing the same environment internally. It is an American company that was founded in 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton. The company has introduced number of products so far under the flag ship of Coca Cola. The company has made many several acquisitions till to date that has made the company a giant in the market. This portfolio aims to explore their policies, practices, learning environment, challenges (internal/ external) and form a reflective account on them (Bell, 2004).

Overview of Coca Cola's Policy, Practices and Approaches

The have communicated their strong commitment to stand out among the Fortune 500 Companies in endorsing and nurturing equal opportunities in compensation, promotion and career growth and development for all their employees at every level of the business. Their policies and practices believe in rendering same corporate and personal treatment irrespective of gender, color, creed, race, religion, age or disability. They have the culture of observing respect and freedom from any sort of retaliation. The company deals with great deal of diversity and values it as a fundamental and indispensable element that can act as a competitive edge. The company has made many several acquisitions till to date that has made the company a giant in the market. The company has aimed to identify and manage diversity to become “gold standard” organization on the perspective of diversity.

Policies and Practices

The policies at Coca Cola clearly aim to encourage the corporate policies to value their consumers, suppliers, stakeholders and local communities. This policy makes them quite popular among the consumers as the company has at yet succeeded to create an image in the mind of the consumers. Their image building is strong. The image is so impressive that it imparts as one of the reasons behind the failure of New Coke. It is hence quite clear that your long lasting image sometimes becomes an obstacle for introducing innovation.

According to Davis (2006), shared value is another policy that helps them to communicate their goals among all their stakeholders. It helps them create a unified version and oneness among the employees to struggle to achieve mutual goals. Shared goals facilitate the leadership of the companies to bring the passion from within every individual in the company. It is a part of communication activity to encourage understanding among the internal and external stakeholders. According to the Theory of Administrative Behaviour by Simon (Davis, 2006) says that goals specify and formulize the course of actions. He has further emphasised that it is never easy to speak against the rational model for the absence of realism. He has indicated that organizational theory tends to crumble when particular ideas of ...
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