Managerial Decision Making

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Managerial Decision Making

Managerial Decision Making


$700 Billion for the banking bailout - $85 Billion for AIG (a private company) - these amounts are only a drop in the bucket of what it will truly cost before this financial fiasco is complete in the history books. The sad thing is - in order to clean up the mess, the goverment will have to “borrow” money to correct. To be sure none of us want to see a financial collaspe, but $38 billion on top of $85 billion - the question seems to be where will it end? And what seems amazing is the magnitude of which the federal goverment is being the backbone of private “for profit” financial institutions. Frankly put, if the issue were just you or I “Joe Citizen” and we were about to go under - we'd drown. So why on the back of the taxpayers is the federal goverment backing institutions that have apparently thrown ethics to the wind when making financial desisions? As a business ethics speaker, I am told daily that my phone should be ringing off the hook - “apparently Washington and Wall Street need your help.” I can't disagree with the sentiment, but they needed the help before they made poor business choices that have a clear unethical smell to them.


Bernard Madoff, a quiet force on Wall Street for decades, was arrested and charged on Thursday with allegedly running a $50 billion "Ponzi scheme" in what may rank among the biggest fraud cases ever. The former chairman of the Nasdaq Stock Market is best known as the founder of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, the closely-held market-making firm he launched in 1960. But he also ran a hedge fund that U.S. prosecutors said racked up $50 billion of fraudulent ...
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