Manager Interview

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Manager Interview

Manager Interview


The purpose of writing this project is to learn how to conduct an interview with a manager and understand his/her day-to-day responsibilities. This paper also summarizes how the manager of BestBuy manages his employees and his own tasks and responsibilities accordingly. The manager of BestBuy is the electronics store manager in charge of setting up consistency daily tasks and working effectively in a timely matter.

General Background and Responsibilities

The manager of BestBuy electronic store believes himself to be successful in all that he has ventured. He says that he had to struggle and he did make mistakes but, that had increased his experiences and skills to achieve the desired goals and overcome the hurdles (Wilson, A., 2006). He says that if he would be given more chances; he would prove himself successful and responsible towards his position. He believes himself to be honest with work. He says he had never misled a customer. He has worked thoroughly with customers and has never cut corners (Markowitz, H.M., 1997).

He had many other responsibilities which every good manager must have that include the managing, commanding, organizing, communicating and perfect leadership skills. He said that he did have fired someone but, that was not easy like hiring. He believed that money and work are siblings. He said that with sheer hard work, money follows. Therefore, he concluded that work is more important than money. He concludes that it did felt difficult to fire an employee because at the time of his hiring he did came with the same hope to work in the company as others do (Markowitz, H.M., 1997).

Managing Employees

Creating Satisfied Employees

He said that he likes to meet deadlines and to deliver what has been promised. He confessed that he gets angry with those employees who make him wait when the work is due and, time is short. He is confident and proud in his strong background, in accounts receivable. He has the problem-solving ability and can get things done with little guidance (Wilson, A., 2006). He said that his strength is that he can only work well with those who deliver what they promise. He works by setting priorities of every task with effective time management and planning. He told that his strength lies in overcoming procrastination and completing the tasks (Legal Week, 2013).

His works are to bring everyone together to make operations work smoothly. He is in charge of setting daily tasks on a consistent basis, effectively and timely. He finds it difficult to convince the executives of the company. He said that performance value should be made such that it adds value, recognize the barriers and provides an opportunity to explore the career aspirations and give the employees virtuous results. His managing style is to use clear approach, challenging goals and believes in achieving them. He provides feedback on the goal performance. He takes the complexity of the task into consideration (Legal Week, 2013).

Motivating Employees

His style is an autocratic one where he makes all the important decisions and closely supervises ...
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