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What Makes A Great Manager?

[Institute's Name]What Makes A Great Manager?


Nothing in this world is self operative; there are numerous facets of this world that require constant management and supervision, in order to ensure the proper working and attainment of the desired results. Interestingly, the biggest component of this world that requires management and supervision for the assurance of proper world and attainment of desired results is the people. The inhabitants of this world always need a constant support, direction, and a ray of constant guidance. This aspect in the corporate world is given a distinct term and identity, that is manager; who is not only bound to ensure the attainment of the tasks but also guide his workforce through the course that is to be taken for this purpose.


Before assimilating the core concept of what propel an individual to become a great manager, it is highly imperative that the technical assimilation of this term is attained. In a literal sense, the term manager refers to a person who assumes or is assigned the responsibility of controlling not only the resources, but also the expenditures, taking along the workforce towards the predetermined objectives and goals.

Traits Of A Good Manager

There lies no doubt about the fact that in order to be good, it is imperative that an individual encompasses certain traits and characteristics that enable him to climb the ladder of betterment and being good. In the similar manner, there are numerous traits that play a pivotal role in enabling the respective manager attain the reverence of being a great manner. Interestingly, the traits for a great manager can be divided into two broad categories; fist, his personal traits, and second, his business traits.

Amongst the prime personal traits is the trait of being self motivated. It is quite obvious that a ...
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