Management Theory And Practise

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Management Theory and Practise

Management Theory and Practise


This paper intends to discuss the management approaches which are created with intent to impact the working practices, the working environment and the employees. The basic purpose of management approaches is to make the managers able to manage things in a manner which is desirable for the business organization. The paper will also explore the ways Fredrick Taylor has changed people were being managed. The differences between the human relations approach and the classical and scientific approach will be elaborated in this paper. The approach of human relations will be defined through providing the examples in the industry of hospitality and tourism. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the significance of different management approaches and its underlying impact over the working environment.

Management Approaches

The art of management is basically meant to manage people. Any individual who is good at managing things and people can become a good manager. However, there are different management approaches which are created for positively impacting the working practices, working environment and the employees of any organization. The managerial approaches are significantly impacted by the disciplines of sociology, economics, political sciences and many others (Daft, Kendrick & Vershinina, 2010 Pp. 500-510).

The management approaches remain extremely difficult to understand because the influences over the field of management are immense. The influences result in making the management approaches complex and difficult. Management approaches have a direct impact over the manner in which people work for an organization, the entire culture of the organization and even the individual behaviors of the organization.

There are apparent differences in the classification of management approaches. A broad classification of the management approaches can be done under the names of classical approach, neo classical approach and modern approach. All the different approaches possess different characteristics; therefore, imposing different impacts over the working behavior and environment of the organizations. All the three approaches possess different management styles and techniques to manage the employees of any organization (Iqbal, 2011 Pp. 17-21).

The classical approach as suggested by the name follows all the typical and traditional ways of managing work places. The efficiency of organizations remains important under this approach for the purpose of increasing the rate of organizational success. The classical approach is divided into three different directions naming the scientific management approach, the administrative approach and the bureaucratic approach.

Moving on, the neo classical approach began with the concept of valuing the employees and their necessities. The neo classical approach tends to focus over the human relations and the importance of having good employer and employee relationships. The neo classical approach is divided into the forms of behavioral sciences approach, the quantitative approach and the contingency approach. This neo classical approach was appreciated by the working class or the employees working for different organizations.

The modern management is basically the mixture of classical approach to management with the social and natural ...