Management Theory And Practice (Mtp)

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Management Theory and Practice (MTP) in Teejays'

Teejays' Strategic Planning


In today's world the phenomenon of globalization is in vogue. This phenomenon of globalization urges organizations to expand their business and search better opportunities across the border. When an organization decides to go international then the management of that organization has to devise strategies to meet the global challenges. This paper also deals with the global expansion of a business. An organization that is customer care training and consulting firm Teejays is planning to expand its business in an international market is discussed. Various strategies that the management of the organization would be devising are discussed in this paper.

Importance of strategic planning for information 

There is no doubt that the development and building good systems of information directly related to the growth and development of work in the installation, as the need to produce information has become one of the primary and fundamental requirements for survival and continuity, and not just a goal to improve efficiency. This technique has become the backbone of the computer systems of information in any facility for its great support in the conduct of operations and implementation of various administrative levels and to assist in all activities and decisions required by the work. Can be through the introduction of computer technology and systems information in the work of any firm to achieve the following:

The health and integrity of information 

Rapid access to information 

Increase the efficiency of workers 

Improving services 

Reduce material waste 

To improve administrative communication 

Providing information to decision makers and efficient speed appropriate 

Improve and develop performance 

Development of a more effective management and regulation 

Supporting strategic plans 

About Teejays

Teejays is a management consultant firm that provides training in the field of customer care to its clients. The organization is currently operates from London, United Kingdom and its planning to expand its operation in New York, United States of America (Data Monitor 2007, 1).

Devising Competitive Strategy for Global Expansion

As Teejays planning to start its international operation it's necessary that the management should devise strategies to exploit the opportunities present in international market. Following part of the paper discusses competitive strategies for Teejays to enter in the market of New York.

Identifying Company's Competitors

New York is the hub of business for United States of America. The presence of management consultant firms is obvious.

Industry Analysis

This is a complete industry. In order to get rid of the mess that is created as a result of recessionary period companies are in need of management consultant in this process. This increased in demand of the management consultants boost the growth of the industry. Companies will be needing advice, guidance and support of management consultants. As a result of this increased in demand existing organizations of the industry would make an attempt to adopt the concept of diversification so that they can meet the need of the clients in variegated ways. This would allow management consulting firms to work on opportunity to run the business lucratively. The business of management consultancy is growing at a very rapid pace (Chandler 2002, ...
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