Management Theories And Leadership Styles

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Management theories and leadership styles

Management theories and leadership styles


Modern management involves a wide range of skills and guidelines, many of which require statistical skills related to the use of information technology, accounting and mathematics. Management focuses on rational problem solving and logical thinking. How management necessarily involves people is of great importance to the possession of interpersonal skills - ability to work with individuals and with teams. To be successful, a manager must fulfil several roles and functions. Management intersects with a number of disciplines - social sciences, logic, philosophy, mathematics, information technology, international relations, language and culture. To be well prepared, the future manager needs a rich stock of knowledge areas and skills that allow him to fulfil a number of functions, all of which will help to improve their speaking skills and decision quality.

The modern practice of management can be described as how to deal with scenarios of business, technology and society in constant change. The companies have become global, new methods have to be developed to control operations geographically dispersed. New technologies have made possible many things that were previously simply unimaginable. Social awareness of management practices increased, while managers worldwide are now little tolerant of bad practices. Raw materials and components are often coming from across the globe and the finished products are distributed globally. Logistics and Supply Chain Management have radically transformed the whole process of providing, producing and distributing consumer products. Sometimes the production itself is shifted to cheaper destinations. Increased competition fostered practices such as Lean Manufacturing, where activities and resources that do not create value for the customer were eliminated, and the Just-in-time procurement which significantly reduced production costs. Many other practices and approaches are constantly being developed to deal with the rapid change in the business environment, increasingly competitive, and also to take advantage of the many possibilities of emerging technologies.

Management theories

Origin and evolution of management theory related to business development and the development of industrial production. When people decide to achieve some goals through group work, there was a need of coordination and management. Theory lessons are practical means of a transfer of knowledge from one or many situations in other situations, in particular. They are a means of finding the most suitable solution (Rowoldwolff, 2009).

Classical management theory

Classical management theory emerged during the first thirty years of the twentieth century. They are often referred to, with respect to previously used terminology such as school management. These schools (theory) were created in the booming industry in an era of abundant unskilled labour and the dominance of demand over supply. Organizations at the time were closed and units were created and developed in a relatively stable environment. The aim was to improve the management organization of production, and for this purpose the use of so-called tough measures and methods, such as standardization of work, band production, etc. Classical management theory is represented by four of the following "schools".

The school of scientific management

The school management science (scientific school ...
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