Management Strategies

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Management Strategies

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Management Strategies

Creating New Growth Platforms

Every business entity has to experience the various stages in the organizational life cycle process, where the company has to cope with various situations. It is virtually impossible for a single business entity to experience a phase of indefinite growth, where the relevant shareholder attains constant profits. The profits in the business environment occur when a company has something valuable to offer to the consumers. Due to the competitive forces present in the organizational environment, a single company would not be able to sustain its level of market share, and its market dominance is bound to decrease over time. In this scenario it is the task of the managers to ascertain the relevant factor s of the environment and seek to develop a new growth platform for the company (Laurie et Al, 2006). In situations where the company has entered in to a matured stage in the organizational lifecycle and its profits are no longer increasing at a rapid rate. The manger must have the ability to make dynamic change in the organizational infrastructure, so as to rejuvenate the company.

It is the role of the managers to ascertain the financial and strategic position of the company and develop a detailed guideline to help the company regain its revenue stream. In the situations where the growth of the company has stagnated and the existing business model is no longer a viable or suitable solution in the current environment, the managers must seek to alter this business model. This activity is not an easy task, and not every manager has the ability to identify these factors and be able to make the relevant decisions. The risk associated with structural changes in the organizational context is very high, if the manager seeks to change the organizational policies and structures too much, they risk loosing it on the established business model and current consumer market. The only way that a manager would be able to implement a positive change in the organizational structure would be through identifying the core success factors. These factors are based on the platform level changes; and such changes would require the company to focus on the need of the customers which are not being currently met. Such a platform change can occur through several strategies such as ground breaking technologies, innovation, business model, social pressures or environmental change. These platform level changes completely alter the strategic direction of the company and provides an encouragement for the employees and the relevant managers to look at innovate and different strategies to develop a strategic advantage. The success of any organizational initiative depends on the ability of the company to formulate a strategic advantage, which helps the company differentiate itself from the rest of the competition, TYhis is not an easy task, as every company has the same objective, however with the correct mixture of risk and opportunity maximization, a company can successfully initiate a platform level growth.

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