Management Role

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Understanding the Management Role

Understanding the Management Role


Today organizations face a major challenge to the market receptor result of various factors including technological, economic, political, social, and cultural. Each of these factors requires the companies to be in constant changes of minor or major impact to internal or external, but is necessary in an almost mandatory to meet the needs generated for the company falling into losses that are regrettable not only for the owners or partners but all the human resources of the organization. If you look at a manager, businessman or entrepreneur we realize that the joy that emanate regarding the company or business lies mainly on productivity or profits that have generated sales of your products or services, and more so when customers return again to purchase your products or services; this joy does not have to be hampered by the different changes and needs, as there are companies or professionals offering services to meet such demands (Jones,, 1988, p. 78 - 86).

The "Modern Management" "is more concerned with concrete problems of motivation, accession and integration of individuals. It aims to transform the Managerial vision to meet the new challenges of management in modern contexts. The organization functions are still too present in numerous organizations. The economics of organizations that seeks to link them with the general economy and the sociology of organizations which seeks to understand the intimate coherence of each organization (Santos & Eisenhardt, 2005, p. 491). At the intersection of these two areas, management seeks to find the right mix towards improving the organization on the basis of standard models of business by selecting the relevant specific levers (best practices, tools and management methods). Lastly, the management finally meets the human resource management, and overall management of the organisation.

The organisation in relation to its purpose and its stakeholders

Argos Retail Group

The organisation that will be analysed is the Argos Retail Group. Argos is the largest general-goods retailer in the UK and Republic of Ireland with over 600 stores. Argos is unique amongst major retailers in the UK because its primary means to show goods to customers is through a catalogue. Customers can browse through the catalogue, select items to buy, pay for the items, and then collect the items of a counter in the store a few minutes later. The Argos group have planned and implemented higher standards for achieving the organizational goals through collaborative work. The group works in collaboration with their partners, stake holders and employees for achieving their goals for organizational development. This principle is in their roadmap focuses on implementation of practical solutions for their business activities (Ibarra & Hansen, 2011, p 68).


The Argos Retail Group has laid down certain purpose and objectives that they want to reach across the group. Faced with increased competition, both on traditional trading networks on the Internet, retailers face constant pressure to keep their prices low while keeping large quantities of products in stock. The Argos Retailer aims to focus on the need for ...
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