Management Reflective Journal

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Management reflective Journal

Management reflective Journal


Directly affecting the quality of service to patients, the management of staff retention has become a big issue, especially in the nursing field. In the model of Magnet Hospital "The management is supportive of professional nursing practice within the context of a teaching or learning environment". It is highly essential for the leader to listen to all the issues and complaints of the staff in order to make sure they are satisfied with their work. It is essential to develop an understanding of what employee engagement and commitment exactly is. The more employees are engaged in their work, the greater are the chances of them to work beyond what they are supposed to, and bring excellent performance for the organization.

Replacing and training a new nurse is a costly process, and lack of manpower will result in increase of workload, ultimately leading to stress for the employees. I found that the idea of Magnet Hospital is helpful for the method of retention of staff.


Considering the employees who are committed to their work, and are engaged in efficient practices provide their companies crucial competitive advantages. This means that the company would have higher productivity, and lower turnover of its employees regardless of what type of business it is. It is therefore to be believed that organizations of different types and sizes have considerably invested in practices and policies that encourage commitment, and efficient engagement in their work (Cohen, 2003). These two factors play a significant role in the success of an organization, but it is first essential to develop an understanding of what employee engagement and commitment exactly is. Without a clear understanding, and enough fundamentals the organization would not be able to take use of these two factors, and the make the most of it.

Different organizations have different viewpoints and perception about these two factors but in general, employee engagement refers to the employee's satisfaction, and pride in their employer (Bakker and Demerouti, 2008). The optimum results could be achieved only when the employees believe in what they do, and enjoy their work. The more employees are engaged in their work, the greater are the chances of them to work beyond what they are supposed to, and bring excellent performance for the organization. Furthermore, employees who are highly engaged in their work are less likely to change the organization they are working in, and stay loyal towards the business. Engagement becomes highly essential for the fact, that if employees are not engaged with their work, there are high chances that they would leave the organization as soon as they find a better working opportunity (Robinson, 2004).

On the other hand, commitment is said to be the willingness to continue a course of action, and reluctance to change plans. People usually develop positive feelings towards an individual or entity to which they have made a commitment. It could be concluded that commitment and engagement of employees can create valuable business results, and so it turns out to ...
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