Management Practice/Skills

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Management Practice and Skills (Organizational Behaviour)

Management Practice and Skills (Organizational Behaviour)


Leadership is one of the most significant and highly regarded competencies in all types of organizations. Empirical evidence suggests that many organizations embrace the idea that leadership, whether in large or small teams, is directly related to performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. The two leadership styles discussed in this paper, attempt to incorporate these two elements as the best possible approach of reaching an objective and the best use of resources.

While there is consensus about the need of leadership in teams among various authors, conflicts arise regarding the type of leadership that should be utilised.

Making decisions is one of the most important functions performed by leaders. Many of the activities of managers and administrators involve making and implementing decisions, including planning the work, solving technical problems, selecting subordinates, determining pay increases, making job assignments, and so forth. Participative leadership involves efforts by a leader to encourage and facilitate participation by others in making important decisions. Democratic societies uphold the right of people to influence decisions that will affect them in important ways.

Involving others in making decisions is often a necessary part of the political process for getting decisions approved and implemented in organizations. Delegation is a distinct type of power-sharing process that occurs when subordinates are given responsibility and authority for making some types of decisions formerly made by the manager. Empowerment involves the perception by members of an organization that they have the opportunity to determine their work roles, accomplish meaningful work, and influence important events. (David, Antonakis, 2011, p. 51-57).


The main aim of the paper is to identify different tytpes of leadership style and its occurance in the today's working scenario.


Research Design

The research will be based on secondary data collection. The data will be extracted from various journals, articles and books. In secondary research data will be extracted from various journals, books and articles.

Qualitative research will be used for proposed study. Qualitative research is more subjective as compared to quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information which could be both primary and secondary. As already mentioned this study will choose the secondary method. The theme of this type of research will be investigative along with open-ended.

This type of research is often less expensive than outlines and is extremely effective by acquiring information. It is often the method of choice in the examples where quantitative measurement is not required.

Literature Review

Participative leadership

Participative leadership involves the use of various decision procedures that allow other people some influence over the leader's decisions. Other terms commonly used to refer to aspects of participative leadership include consultation, joint decision making, power sharing, decentralization, empowerment, and democratic management. Participative leadership can be regarded as a distinct type of behavior, although it may be used in conjunction with specific task and relations behaviors . For example, consulting with employees about the design of a flextime system may simultaneously involve planning better work schedules and showing ...
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