Management Of Human Resources

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Management of Human Resources

Management of Human Resources

Scenario 1

Ans1- St-Patrick's Nursing Home is a specialized medical care centre that requires a Recruitment plan for the employees. The tasks of Trainee Human Resources Officer are very important in this regard because he needs to prepare a suitable strategy for hiring employees. The organization is facing problems at the moment in this aspect and they need to revamp their current HR Plan. The previous recruitment policy has failed miserably for the St- Patrick Nursing Home. The Nursing Home is in dire need of improving the patient care service and meeting the future requirements after expanding the overall setup of the hospital. This is a major plan for the Nursing Home and the HR policy is the main tool in providing the scope for success to the Hospital in future. The costs of the hiring process also need to be ascertained for the development of the Recruitment plan.

The first approach is to decide the number of employees that must be hired for different positions. In this way, the Nursing Home would be clear with their overall employment objective and there would not be any kind of doubt. The second approach is to prepare a job description and job specification of the employees. Every piece of information must be included in these two areas in order to make it very clear to the prospective employees in knowing the job descriptions for the current vacancies. This would also make it easier for them to apply for a job and also to look forward in putting up their maximum effort to prove their competency level in the organization. Secondly, the post recruitment policies also need a proper plan in order to assist the employees in carrying out their tasks in the best possible manner. There would not be any room for ambiguity or doubt and this matter considerably during the orientation program. In the orientation program, the employees must be briefed in detail about all the important aspects of the job. The orientation program should not hide any information related to the job description of the employees.

The third option is to have clarity in the Job Specification in order to make it easier for the prospective candidate to apply for the job. The concept of Job Specification refers to the employee's characteristics and qualifications that are necessary to perform the job. It points towards the need for a right man to perform the job. Job Specification is expanded from the concept of Job Analysis. The fourth option is to decide the mode of Recruitment that covers Internal Recruitment and External Recruitment. The Internal Recruitment is preferred when the organization tries to gain expertise from their own pool of employees. This saves costs and makes it easier for the HR Department to guide the employees in performing the job. In the case of External Recruitment, this option is favourable and considered more because it diversifies the workforce ...
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