Management Information System Change

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Management Information System Change

Management Information System Change



This section has introduced the topic.

Organization Selected

This section has explained about the organization that has been sleected for analysis. Furthermore it also discusses why the changes are needed.

Step One: Identify the most Important Challenges

In this section the two major challenges faced by the company has been outlined.

Step Two: Set Your Goals

In this section, two different goals for both of those challenges have been outlined.

Step Three: Identify the Factors on Which Your Goals Depend

In this section, three factors have been identified regarding the different goals for both of those challenges.


A detailed disussion regarding the problem have been disscussed.

Possible Faults in the Information System Change

The factors of the first challenge have been further discussed in detail.

Change Resistance from the Employees

The factors of the second challenge have been further discussed in detail.


This section has summarized the paper and have also given some recommendations.


In this paper, we will be discussing the external factors and its impact on chosen organization and how the organization responds to these changes. In today's world, the only thing that is constant is change. In order to meet your steps with the rest of the world, it is imperative to adopt these changes. But, adoption of change is not an easy task especially in organizations. It becomes difficult in an organization to adopt and accept changes because in an organization, many different people work together in a particular setting and, whenever change is introduced to they resist these changes. Managers adopt variegated forms, techniques and method to implement these changes. Bringing a change in an organization affects each and every aspect of the organization. When organization's employees are prepared for process of change, the implementation of the change is much easy for the agents of change. Companies include individuals, whose opinions can undermine or facilitate the efficiency of change which is being implemented. Change also acquires visions that must be effectively communicated. Initiatives of change ought to be designed through making a feeling of necessity within the organization. this paper discusses the significant challenges faced by the selected organization for implementing information system changes within the organizations. Furthermore, the main goals of the challenges and the factors to ensure the overcoming of the challenges are also discussed.

Organization Selected

The organization selected is Etisalat. Etisalat is a leading telecommunications corporation catering to consumers, businesses, international telecommunication companies, ISPs, content providers and mobile operators. Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Etisalat is the largest operator in the Middle East and Africa region. There are certain factors that cause changes in the internal and external conditions and surroundings of an organization (Alshawi et al, 2000). These changes are categorized as internal and external changes. There are certain factors in the external and internal environment and surroundings that cause these changes, these factors are known as internal factors of the business environment and external factors of the business environment. In following paragraphs, this paper will be discussing these external factors and its impact on ...
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