Management & Information Strategy

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Management and Information Strategy

Management and Information Strategy


The advent of the World Wide Web (WWW) in the 1990's and the rapid development of information communication technologies (ICTs) have revolutionized the role of various institutions. Digital age, an age that is characterized by efficient and effective conversion, storage, diffusion, and dissemination of data to users, is posing new challenges to the libraries. The traditional role of libraries as repositories of the printed material has been changed, and in the current times libraries are witnessing a transformation from traditional libraries to hybrid libraries (providing access to both digital as well as print materials) in most cases and to digital libraries (provision of access to data that is in digital form) in few cases (Cathro 1999, 19-21).

Though (WWW) and (ICT) are providing new opportunities for libraries, but on the other hand there are some emerging concerns too. Information privacy, information security, and copyrights are among some of the concerns that need to be addressed in order to ensure the structural and functional stability of the libraries as a social institution. It is important to note that concern for privacy among users is an important hurdle in the expansion of virtual communication, transfer and use of information. This paper is an attempt to bring various issues to spotlight that can impede the digitization process in libraries. It is hoped that this exploratory effort would help the researchers as well as practitioners to devise strategies that could address the challenges associated with the digital age in an effective way (Capurro 2001, 23-27).

Digital age

Digital age started with the advent of computers and virtual networks. The increased use of the WWW and rapid developments in Internet technology enabled the libraries to offer various services by using digitization of the printed material. It is interesting to note that various terms have been used interchangeably to describe the libraries in the digital age, e.g., virtual library, hybrid library, electronic library, and digital library (Byrne 2003, 414-421). The term digital library was started to be used in early 1990s. Digital libraries are becoming a necessity in order to keep up the pace with the technological revolutions. Academic, special or public libraries all have to transform their functions, which are mediated by the digitization, so that services can be provided to users according to standards that have been changed because of digitization. What is a digital library? Conceptions, approaches and realisations differ (Butler 2003, 307-317). As far as 'digital library' is concerned, there are different definitions of digital library, and most of the definitions have tried to encompass the various functions that are associated with the provision of various services in digital age (Berring 1993, 94-115).

According to Digital Library Federation, a digital library can be defined as follows: Digital libraries are origanizations that provide the resources, including the specialized staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collections of digital works, so that ...
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