Management In The Hospitality

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Management in the Hospitality

Management in the Hospitality

Marketing Strategies-British Airways


For this study, we have undertaken the account of British Airways. The carrier has been a favorite in the books of economic analysts and at the same time has had its own duration and understanding regarding all accounts of having the most profound forms of marketing strategy and improving their financial stability accordingly (Sadtler, 1997, 61-90). This paper shall help us identify and conclude what amends have made regarding the stability and rolling of British Airways and at the same time make effective use of the available resources for the purpose and objective of making close contact with current and potential customer clientele, leading to a more formal development of a reputable institution.

Organization Description

First British Airline Company was established in 1919. At that time, there were many small airline companies operating like Aircraft Transport, Travel, Handley Page Transport, In-stone Airlines and British Marine Air Navigation they all face immense competition from outside forces and to beat that immense competition all of these small airlines combined and form British Airways.

It is one of the most potent strategies of British Airways that they always want to keep the image of their organization high and well maintained. To deal with this issue organization has devised certain policies for example, in order to maintain their public image their policy is to take part in media and social media. Constant contact with different magazines and press releases keep them in good books of the media. To maintain their image with the customers it important to value them and they value them through their different marketing programs that include; loyalty programmes and club of executives.

Competencies Categorizing the Aviation Industry

The Aviation Industry has been one of the most innovative and influential industry that have been significantly flourishing throughout the industry. With the inception of the airplane put forth by the Wright brothers, there have been constant, continuous and iterated improvements, amendments, innovations and additions to the fast-paced and heightened development of the industry, creating web all around the world (Thompson, 1997, 5-7).

One thing that is constant in this world is change. All facets of this world and our lives are alleged to change. As the world is moving at a rapid pace, different technological, economical and social changes are taking place so in order to be successful it is imperative that one should evaluate him or herself from time to time. These changes can be of a different nature and sorts for an organization these changes can be internal and external. An organization can only be successful and maintain its success for a long time if they track these changes properly and respond to these changes immediately (Atkinson & Waterhouse, 1997, Pp.154-166).

In this report, I would be discussing the impact of some external changes on the organization in detail, how these changes affect an organization and how an organization can respond to these changes. To discuss and critically analyze the impact external environment elements I have chosen British ...
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