Management Control

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Why is management control a goal in organizations? Explore this question drawing on concepts of power, control and authority


This academic report will seek to explore why management control is a goal in organizations. And in order to explore this question area, I will draw upon the concepts of power, control and authority. Possibly the theft which I experienced from the general manager in my company after 8 years as one, give me opportunity to reorder my management control in the company. The management control system is a process composed of different elements that involve the entire organization whose ultimate goal is to provide information to control the management of the company, should be allowed to know how, when and where it has employed all the resources of the company made ??available to all those responsible to obtain concrete results in terms of the objectives. Each position within a company has a number of rights associated themselves with no individual itself, but with the same post. This means that together with the responsibilities of a function determined, are also a series of privileges that allow the individual to make decisions and give orders, where as Power is a concept very wide in which an individual has the ability to influence the decisions of another. Management Control System (MCS) is an organized stimulation for managers decentralized decisions taken in time, can achieve the strategic objectives pursued by each company.

Why is management control a goal in organizations?


The systems of management control is based on the management of strategic organizations. Control is one of the most widely discussed and studied areas of management. Yet it is a functional area in which little attempt has been made to formulate principles that might be useful to practicing managers, helpful in training them, and suitable for guiding research. Possibly the theft which I experienced from the general manager in my company after 8 years as one, give me opportunity to reorder my management control in the company. Some employees see it as natural and hand part of employment policy and alternates that sort of power and question. Considerable attention has been given to organization principles, and the basics of formal organization have been so well recognized and explained that most research and practice in organization show a clear awareness of theoretical implications, an awareness which may account for the relative effectiveness of most managers in organizational matters. Some attention has been given to the codification of principles of planning (Robert, 2000, p14).

But rather little has been given to formulating find codifying principles of control, staffing or direction. This is not to say that principles of control cannot be found. A number of profound inquiries have been made in this area, many basic truths have been highlighted and great contributions made, but they lack the refinement, completeness, and codification found in organization. The control system must be supported on the basis of needs or goals that trace the ...
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