Management And Supervision Of Law Enforcement Personnel

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Management and supervision of law enforcement personnel


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Management and supervision of law enforcement personnel” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Management and supervision of law enforcement personnel” and its relation with “Criminal justice”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Management and supervision of law enforcement personnel” and tries to gauge its effect on “Criminal justice”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Management and supervision of law enforcement personnel” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Management and supervision of law enforcement personnel” on “Criminal justice” .

Management and supervision of law enforcement personnel


Law enforcement and criminal justice have prevailed in US since last 200 years. These agencies play an important role in managing the law as well as the policies related to it. These agencies have certain policies and rules which are needed to be followed. They help and protect our society. Similarly, criminal justice is an important part of our society which includes court and corrections, law enforcement and corrections. Laws are rules which need to be followed and if not penalties can be imposed on them. Law enforcement is a source of guidance for the concerned authorities, which must follow it. The future of the society enormously depends on the field of criminal justice (Bond, 2007).

Role of supervisors

Law enforcement supervisors have two primary responsibilities in molding productive, well-disciplined officers: rewarding good behavior and correcting poor performance. Fortunately, most officers support the organization, work hard, and never require any type of formal counseling. When problems do arise, they usually are solved quickly by an informal discussion without the need for any advanced preparation (Clear, 2001). Yet, despite the high quality of law enforcement personnel in most organizations, performance problems still may occur. It seems that some officers, regardless of the best efforts of well-intentioned supervisors, simply refuse to change. How leaders handle these performance challenges can have a profound impact on employee engagement and organizational culture.

While many supervisors do a competent job of rewarding good behavior, they often find it difficult to tackle performance problems because they lack the basic tools, training, and mind-set to do so effectively. Yet, confronting problem behaviors effectively is just as critical to the success of a law enforcement agency as rewarding proper conduct. However, before leaders can expect to hold their personnel accountable for meeting organizational objectives, these employees need to know exactly what is expected of them. Too often, supervisors assume that officers understand what is required, thereby missing important opportunities to clarify goals, solicit commitment, and provide important milestones.

Supervisors balance needs of the officers

Decades of scientific research have supported the finding that positive reinforcement increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated (i.e., the law of effect principle).3 similarly, behavior appropriately punished is more likely to disappear than if allowed to continue unchallenged. In either case, supervisors should be specific about the behavior ...
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