Management And Organizational Behavior

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Management and organizational behavior

[Name of Instructor]Management and organizational behavior

Question 1: Critically analyse which motivational theory(s) best explains Resmed's approach to the motivation of its employees. Critically discuss what other motivational approach (es) you would recommend to improve motivation in Redmed.

Motivation is defined as the cause of the behavior of an organism, or why an organism carries out a particular activity, which encourages "to cause or reason for something" and why is it that moves or has efficacy or virtue to move. It can be said that motivation is the engine of our work, is a force capable of driving our behavior, and also hold for the duration of this behavior. Psychologists discuss about three important elements that interact in the process motivator: (1) the object to be achieved (stimulus). (2) The drive or basic energy (response). (3) The agency or person receiving the stimulus and reacts with a specific answer. The motivations can be classified into two types: physiological and social (BHATIA, 2008).

The physiological reasons are rooted in the body's physiological needs: thirst, hunger, fear, pain, pleasure. The social motivations are acquired during the socialization process, and vary from one individual to another and from one culture to another: money, status, prestige, communication, relationship, family, etc. Some psychologists point out that in humans all social motivations have a nuance that has been acquired through the learning process and the relationship with other people. Both the personal and the social motives become more complex as we interrelate. The same object can acquire new meanings for ourselves and our social environment and can also make an end in what was originally a means to other things (MURRAY, 2006).

Motivation at work

Today, companies are considering extremely important factors for motivation of workers when production is organized. There has been a strong relationship between productivity or performance of the worker and the work environment. Motivating employees is difficult, since each individual has their reasons for working and what motivates one person may not be important to others. What seems clear is that the specific reasons the person has an inner disposition to "want or desire to" do something. Companies should look for how they can make their employees want to do something, work harder and better (BHATIA, 2008). Experts in this field say that motivation depends largely on how people live situations they face, and some people said that managers can significantly influence the behavior of employees, although the motivation is something that lies inside the employees.

Different studies on motivation at work are aimed at determining the elements and processes that drive, run and maintain the behavior of employees. Two factors influence this behavior and that in turn are interrelated: (1) Job characteristics. (2) The characteristics of the individual. Job characteristics refer to those conditions that have employee activity, both as regards the task itself (job content) as those surrounding the conduct of the activity (work context) (BURNES, 1996).

Individual characteristics are very important when introducing motivators, because ...
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