Management And Organization

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Management and Organization

Table of Contents



ADKAR Model6

Structure and Culture7

Staff Motivation8

Benefits of Participation9

Change Management11



Organizational strategy is a systemic concept, made up of essential parts which are independently distinguishable but which together forms a new and better strategy which ultimately affect the whole organization in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational productivity. In XYZH hospital, Branda Smith (BS) is the head of the Radiography Department. Dennis Edwards (DE) is her deputy. The structure of this department is a conventional hierarchy where BS and DE are in the top of this department with staff of 36 radiographers and scientific, technical and administrative staff at various levels forming a typical bureaucratic structure.

Overall, the control throughout most of the department tends to be rather small with each member of staff having direct authority over two or three other staff each of whom, act as line managers over other at the next level down. Furthermore, according to the past studies it is observed and proved that the organizational behaviours influenced by various factors. These factors depend on different theories, moreover, past researchers worked on a different aspect of a distinct phenomenon. In addition, the organizational behaviour considered as to be influenced by the classical approach which was helpful for identifying and resolving the initial or the minor problems that were pertaining to the organization.


In various studies, the environment of the organization, also the business environment has changed; have made a significant impact on the organizational behaviour. The approaches that include human relations approach, systems approach and the contingency approaches are considered as the modern tactics which help the organizations in resolving the problems that are arising due to the changing environment of the modern-day business. In XYZH hospital, the staff feeling increasingly disgruntled about what they see as petty rules, constant 'form filling' and a lack of autonomy in the way they plan and deliver their work. Most staff highly qualified and many of them have many years experience in radiography associated services in other hospitals; they feel that their expertise is not recognised by senior management. The morality lower than it was 3 years ago when BS was appointed, absenteeism has become a problem.

Branda Smith is of strong personality and is seen by many as an autocratic control freak. She also believe in clear lines of accountability, in unity of command and in running the organisation on very formal lines where people know exactly what required of them. She argues that, as the department continues to grow, the need for formal rules and procedures will become even more important and that they cannot afford to be casual and sloppy in the running of the service. In order of her clear hierarchy of control and a steady stream of reports on progress, she in insists that senior staff summarise progress reports and submit formal reports to her on a weekly basis.

Organizational management in XYZH hospital is the systematic, scientific analysis of individuals, groups and organizations to understand predicting and improve individual performance ...
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