Management And Leadership

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Management and Leadership

Management and Leadership

About the Organization was founded in July 1995 an American entrepreneur Jeff Bezos and initially selling only books. In June 1998 store begins selling music recordings, and in November the same year - video products. Currently, service covers 34 categories of goods, including electronic books, consumer electronics, toys, food, household goods, sporting goods and more. The company is expanding to the markets of Internet commerce outside the U.S.: there are national brand clones Amazon in Canada, Britain, Germany, Japan, France and China. first managed to exploit the potential of the Internet: the ability to access many more customers than a conventional "physical" store, a greater number of SKUs, not limited by what is in stock. One of the features of the Site online store - those customers can leave feedback on the purchased items and evaluate them. This helps to select the desired item of good quality.

Difference between Management and leadership

The concept of "leadership" and "management "in is not always identical, but the essence of their differences, most people think is wrong. In Leadership is not mystical and mysterious. This is not the prerogative of a small circle of favorites. Leadership is not necessarily more important than management, and not replaces each other. (Timm, 2009)

Leadership without Management

Organizations that are successful are different from those opposing them because they have a more dynamic and effective leadership. Under the guidance, from the standpoint of the owner, means any individual "leader" or group "management team". Synonymous with leadership and the head are the words of leadership and leader. The nature of leadership may be better understood when compared with control. To be a manager and a leader in the organization - is not the same thing. Manager in its influence on the work of subordinates and building relationships with them, above all, uses and relies on official's power base and its sources. Leadership as a specific type of relationship management based more on the process of social influence, or rather interactions in the organization. This process is much more complex, requiring a high level of interdependence of their members. In contrast to management leadership assumes in the organization of followers, rather than subordinates. Accordingly, the relationship "boss - subordinate" inherent in the traditional view of management, are replaced by relations of "leader - follower."

Management without leadership

Controls resources to maintain the status ...
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