Management And Leadership

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Management and leadership

Management and Leadership


Management is a way of getting things done with the help of people to achieve a certain goal or target by utilizing all the available resources proficiently. Management has four major functions include planning organizing leading controlling. Bateman, (T. S, Snell, S. (2004).Every function has its own importance. All functions are used in organization to achieve a certain level of target. By using and managing financial, human and technological resources efficiently organization can achieve desired level of output. Leadership is a process of getting things done through people. By influencing them to achieve desired criteria. Leadership is defining a target and direction for organizational members and motivating them to achieve those targets by following the defined direction. Leadership means that person is taking responsibility to make things better and achieve a goal with the help of team work.(



This function of management deals with the decision making process about the goals and targets which are set by the organization need to achieve and it elaborate the strategy of organization by designing the actions for achieving the desired goals. Planning also helps in designing the future paths of organization. It helps in the anticipation of future.


This management function deals with the coordination of different departments of organization. Organizing helps in defining the job responsibilities and allocation of resources. It also assembles the financial and human information.


This management function involves effort of organization leader to motivate employees for high performance. It includes directing and communicating with employees in group and individually as well.


Controlling is a management function which make sure that organization is achieving their targets and getting progress and if situation is not favorable than controlling helps in making preventive actions for making things right. Activities like monitoring staff performance and evaluation, setting ...
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