Management And Anthropology Discussion Questions

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Management and Anthropology Discussion Questions

Management and Anthropology Discussion Questions

Can Cultural Behaviors, Ideas and Emotions be Accessed Through Scientific Methods of Learning? Are they too Complex?

Scientific methods of learning acquire knowledge through a systemic process that gathers, classifies, relates and interprets behaviors, ideas and emotions into knowledge. As such it is related to application of concepts to particulars. The scientific method is essentially a guideline that is used to establish rules. It is one of the fundamental tools utilized to study social sciences. This is because the method enables the learner to learn individual social science subjects, as well as go above and beyond to obtain complete understanding of their combination.

When one talks about knowledge, it essentially means either one of the following:

Knowledge of individuals, which includes their products and culture;

Knowledge of natural environment. Human culture is constantly evolving, as the related knowledge is amplified and gradually accumulated with time (Pearson Highered, 2012).

Given the aforementioned dimensions of knowledge, it can be argued that cultural behaviors, ideas and emotions can be accessed through scientific methods of learning. The method utilizes a body of techniques, which investigates the phenomena in question. Scientific connections are accentuated based on modes of inquiry that is either measurable or empirical. Furthermore, specific principles of reasoning are applied to the dissected phenomenon or knowledge (Newton, 2009).

Given these premises, it can be safely stated that cultural behaviors, ideas and emotions are also knowledge sets that can be aptly understood with application of scientific method. The process is rigorous and thorough. It calls for principles of reasoning that are specified and are based on modes of inquiries that are either measurable or empirical. Furthermore, the process is complex and needs focus. This is because in understanding a phenomenon or integrating previous knowledge, the effort requires determination and masterful application of techniques of scientific methodology.

Discuss why, in your opinion, there is no evidence of Pre-Clovis Cultures in Northeastern Asia, Alaska and the Ice-free Corridor between Alaska and the area South of present day Canada

Reputed to be "Clovis First," the prevalent speculation among anthropologists and archeologists, in the latter part of the 20th century, had been that the individuals connected with the Clovis society were the first tenants of the American land. The essential underpin for this was that no strong confirmation of pre Clovis human inhabitation had been recognized. Consistent with the standard and widely acknowledged hypothesis, the Clovis individuals traversed the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska, during time periods of the ice age, when sea level reduced significantly. They (Clovis) made their path southward, through an ice free hallway, east of the Rocky Mountains in present-day western Canada. This journey was made as the ice glaciers drew back. This speculation came to be tested by studies recommending a Pre-Clovis Human occupation of the Americas (Fagundes,, 2008). In 2011, succeeding the unearthing of an occupation location at Buttermilk Creek, Texas, a noticeable aggregation of renowned scientists, posited a definitive claim that established the subsistence of an occupation ...
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