Management Accounting

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Management Accounting

Management Accounting


Interest tourism is defined as travelling to a place outside the usual residential environment. This involves a stay of at least one night but no more than 1 year, with varying motivations, such as business, pleasure, visits to friends and relatives (VFR), and education. Tourism has long been of interest to geographers, given its spatial, temporal, and activity patterns and given its major economic and environmental impacts, ranging from the local to the global. Special interest tourism in UK comprises a wide range of experiences built around tourist visits under categories of sport tourism, business tourism, event tourism, study tourism, health and wellness tourism, culture tourism, and adventure tourism (Middleton, 2005; 36). This assignment inter-relates the consumer choice and participation, environmental aspects that may affect the Type of holiDay, popularity, impacts, and future trends of special interest holiDays in UK.

Section A

Business Overview

Rodale Travel Services is a company providing small group adventure holiDays throughout the world. Based on the information from Explore, there are over 60% of its customers who are the return customers and this trend seems keeping rising continuously. Rodale Travel Services has been managing small group adventure holidays throughout the world since 1981. Rodale Travel Services business development system includes offering more than 75 tours that are offered for over 12 countries, which makes the group an international adventure holiday and travel planning firm. This paper presents an analysis of adventure holiday with itinerary analysis of the adventure holiday. The report focuses on the adventure holiday trips within the UK. It also include a detailed analysis of competition in the industry, price schedule for the holiday, cost estimates, and analysis of sustainable environment with respect to implication on the business from marketing perspectives.

Background information

Name of the business: Rodale Travel Services

Form of the business: Travel and Tourism Corporation

Types of Services: products: Leisure, recreation trips & tours, and holidays

Site of Business: Westminster, London.

Opening and Closing Time: 11am to 7pm

Issues faced by Travel and Tourism Business

Value Added Tax

The value added tax in UK rose to 20 %, which is the highest in the history. The New Coalition government increased the taxes because the budget deficit of UK rose sharply. Therefore, the government had to increase value added tax, due to which, the tax revenue increase by £13 billion (Jago & Shaw, 2000, pp. 49-58). The increased VAT, fuel prices, unemployment rate and inflation will not only drop the tourism revenues, but the Hotel business will also be affected (Euro monitor International, 2011, p.1). However the cost of international travelling will not rise because this tax is not applied in other European Countries (Jago & Shaw, 2000, pp. 49-58).

Cost of Air Travel

The cost of Air travel has significantly increased since 2007. Air passenger Duty for a short distance flight has increased by £ 7, while, on the other hand, the duty for long distance flights has increased by £ 40. On one hand, it is extremely important to strengthen the UK travelling industry, but, unfortunately the aviation industry of UK is ...
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