Management Accounting

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Management Accounting

Management Accounting

Company Overview

Apple was founded in the first of April 1976 at the hands of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne for the sale of personal computers called "Apple-1". These computers have sold as pallets or (Motherboard): central processing unit (CPU) and memory for random access (RAM) chips and video - script core, these parts of course were less than which we consider being a personal computer in the present day. Apple runs individual businesses and has engaged in offering several products and services like the computer designs, servers, network solutions and software and services. The company is running a business in USA mainly having the headquarters in different cities like California and Cupertino. The main reason behind a huge increase in revenue is the increased sales of iPhone handsets and applications from the iTunes Store.

Latest Revenue and Profit of the Company

The latest revenue of Apple Inc. is $28.27 billion; whereas, the net profit on a quarterly basis was $6.62 billion. The revenue and the profit of the company has increased since last year.

Indication of Product Portfolio

Following are the products of Apple Inc: Mac Hardware Products, Music products and services, iPhone, peripheral products, iPad and iAd. From the product portfolio of Apple, it has indications that Apple will reach its maximum productivity in its iPhone. The market share of IPod is the main target of its marketing strategy as awareness and advertising spent made by Apple justifies this statement. The market players have not made any wide awareness of their similar products like IPod.

Customers and Customer Segmentation

Market segmentation requires a detailed study of the requirements for consumer goods, as well as knowledge of the characteristics of consumers' motivations consumers. The customer segmentation strategy helps any company in proper segmentation of the customers. The company's segment their customers in order to provide them exclusive services (Argyris, 2004, p. 83). Just like the other companies, Apple also has created the segmentations of its customers based on its products. The main customers of Apple are the business class, teenagers both male and female. In order to provide the absolute quality services to its customers, Apple has made segmentations of its customers. Following is the customer segmentation of Apple Incorporation:




Business Class




Business class and Youngsters

Mac Hardware Products

Business Class

Number of Employees

The company is currently having 34,300 employees and the financial results show that the revenue of the company has increased by 14.4% from 2008 to 2009.

Business Model

Apple is one of those companies who do not know the crisis. It displays an Olympic shape: booming sales of iPhone, almost 20 million units to date that result in slight decline in sales of microwave in a market, down sharply.

Sources of Obtaining Revenue

Apple does not innovate only technologically but has set up a real business model innovation. The launch of iTunes, the press was rather critical. The industry is even now the only bulwark against the illegal downloading of music. Apple does not sell because of music but offers a secure and pleasant to ...
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