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Task 1

The organization I would choose to be employed at is Tesco. Tesco, the largest retail chain of UK and third largest chain in the world employing around 440,000 people in 13 markets with around 280,000 in the UK. On an average over 30 million people visit Tesco throughout the world every week. Tesco is one of such organizations that have given tremendous attention to its strategies to cope with all challenges and competitive advantage. One of its unique features is its supply chain management. Tesco has placed tremendous attention to this step of value delivery process.

Tesco is considered as the leader in UK retail industry and is highly regarded for its initiative, as it was the first firm in UK that recognized this function and adopted the approach of having a supply chain. This earned it efficient organizational capabilities and gain competitive advantage in the industry. It is also very important to be appreciated for the initiative by consumers to make the company improve its operations in order to provide them better services and greater satisfaction.

I would like to be hired as a manager for human resource at some regional office of Tesco, because I think I have enough experience and knowledge to manage the human resources of a retail giant like Tesco. I am competent enough to be hired as a manager for human resource at Tesco, due to my potential of increasing performance of the company by effectively managing human resource.

A highly motivated workforce can increase the productivity of the business as motivation has a direct impact on the performance of employees. The advantage I have a limit the ability to pursue others, using this skill, I can persuade workers to work in accordance with the objectives of the company. However, in the context of human resource manager I think I lack the patience, which may disturb my relation with the human resource. However, this gap can be filled by facing every situation maturely (Desivilya 2005, pp. 185-211).

Task 2

To communicate with the team and the juniors, it is better to reveal them the functions human resource department play in growth and development of any organization. The prime responsibility of HR personnel includes recruitment and retention of employees. Recruitment a responsibility to recruit the right person at the right position, as hiring inappropriate candidate for the job will affect the overall performance of the company. On the other hand, once the prospective staff is hire, HR personnel need to retain the employees in the organization, not with any legal contract but by motivating them.In this regard, motivation plays a crucial role, and I as HR personnel, is great in developing motivation among employees. I will use interpersonal mode of communication to communicate my messages with the junior, as it is one of the best way to observe their responses, and I can respond to them by observing their behavior and attitudes on spot.

A business strategy driven through human resource department has helped Tesco in becoming second largest supermarket chain ...
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