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Small-Scale Research Project in a Local Estate Agent

Name: Lakdhar Gadhgadhi



Table of Contents


Whether to Use the Qualitative or Quantitative Research3


Choosing Mixed or Mono Methodology5

Why Mixed Methodology?6

Type of Questions that would be used7

Gantt chart9

Ethical Issues Associated With This Specific Research Project10

Biasness in Research11

Manipulation of Findings11

Research without Consent11




Small-Scale Research Project in a Local Estate Agent


The owner of a local estate agency needs to consider various modern approaches related to customer satisfaction as these will help in managing the customers' preferences accordingly and they will remain motivated and committed to the services offered by the estate agency. The manager can plan to undertake small scale research project by analyzing the market requirements and conditions of the country or region in which he or she is willing to start. For this the manager would need to use various research approaches such as primary and secondary. The primary approaches are based on gathering first hand or personally collected data; this can be done with the help of survey in which questionnaires are filled by the respondents and through interviews in which in-depth interviews are conducted to gather the information that would be of great importance in starting up a new project.

The world in which we live today is moving at a fast pace. In this rapidly changing world, it becomes difficult for organizations to maintain the competitive advantage. In this scenario organizations do efforts to provide best services to the customers so that the satisfaction level can be improved. Customer satisfaction is an important concept to be taken into consideration while devising various policies. The phenomenon of customer satisfaction can be described as a concept that is used to measure how the products and services that are offered by the organizations are successful in meeting the expectations of the customer. A customer is said to be satisfied when the products and services of the organization meet the requirements of the clients. A customer is said to be unsatisfied when the products and services of the organization does not meet the needs and expectations of the customer. And, a customer is said to be delighted when the products and services offered by the organization exceeds the expectations of the customer. Therefore, customer satisfaction remains the core part of each and every strategy of the organization.

The aim of this research project is to inform the manager of the local estate agent on who he or she can enhance the level of customer satisfaction and plan for a small scale research project by using various contemporary research approaches.

Whether to Use the Qualitative or Quantitative Research

The process of research is systematic. Through the process of research a researcher aims to obtain useful information (Robson, 2002, p.42). In order to take maximum advantage from this process of research, it is vital that a researcher must choose the right and appropriate approach of research. Selection of the right and appropriate approach of research can be considered as the nub of the research process. While selecting the approach ...
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