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This paper mainly deals with the subject of management where we will be looking into a project management problem and will present its solution. In order to go in its details ,we first need to understand the basic essence of management.

Management is the activity performed within a company or organization. They are responsible for achieving an adequate level of efficiency and productivity. Although paradoxical, managers do not work in the sense developed regular, what do is that they perform five functions for the organization which forms the basics of management

Management Functions

Managers perform the five functions of management process which includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. From a logical sequence although in practice, any of these features may be considered independently of other in the sequence and circumstances dictate. Planning refers to the establishment of overall objectives that combines the actions of all employees. In addition to setting objectives are to design programs and schedules that contribute to achieving the same. Top level executives tend to set goals and short-term plans, for example how many units should produce the group in the day. The middle managers handle objectives or goals, which generally have a projection of one month to one year. Finally, top level managers set goals and develop broader plans for the entire organization, with a horizon of one to five years. Organizing seeks to resolve the question of who should do what, is the responsibility of managers identify the tasks and duties that must be performed for the organization achieve its objectives. They must also establish the relationships that should exist between the different jobs, dependency or hierarchy that exists between them. Staffing refers to the jobs that hang from an organization lacking meaning until they are filled by qualified people who are supposed to develop the tasks assigned to these positions. Leading is where once plans are established, they are incorporated in the organizational structure and covered jobs, at this stage the organization is ready to get going. The lead managers to employees in performing their duties, this requires that in addition to being skilled communicators, they must know to provide adequate motivation and leadership. At last, Controlling is where at the time that the organization has set in motion, it must be expect all members to make their job well, that plans are followed and that the objectives set. But often it does not, and should be checked regularly if things are being developed or not as planned.

Project management

Project scheduling is used by administrators to ensure the completion of the project on time to find the telltale signs of non-standard situations when they arise and flexibility in the re-planning the project and accordingly, diagnosis in the three phases of implementation. The first phase is to create a business network of the project. This includes the Analysis of projects to the activities and events, Sequence of activities and events, Diagram of the project, and Estimate the times for each activity. The Second stage is planning of the ...
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