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Strategic Performance Management

Strategic Performance Management

Identify how teams deliver corporate strategy

The purpose of corporate strategy is to create conditions in which the organization is able to create this added value and deliver it to consumers. Corporate strategy should also ensure that the organization's ability to adapt promptly to changing conditions and create value in the future.

A set of core objectives, trends, plans or key policies for achieving them, of a way to determine what business the company operates or will operate, and what type of this company now or planning to become.

The traditional approach to the formation of corporate strategy of virgin involves: having at its disposal a set of effective analytical methods, top managers are able to forecast the development of any branch of business with accuracy sufficient for selecting a particular strategic direction. However, the discounted cash of virgin flow analysis requires that the vision of the future is clear enough, and this is often necessary to sacrifice factors such as uncertainty.

Virgin organization manages its strategies in three areas:

The internal resources of the organization

The external environment in which it operates

Organization's ability to create value

The strategy of virgin is represented as a bonding process between the management of internal resources and external relations, relations with the environment. Virgin uses its own history, skills, resources, knowledge and various concepts for future action.

Resource management strategies

The resources of virgin include the skills of staff and capital investment in each department of the enterprise. Need to develop corporate strategies to optimize their use. In particular, it is important to explore the distinctive features that allow the organization to survive, to acquire and maintain competitive advantage.

Operating Environment and Strategy

The operating environment includes all aspects that are external to the organization, not only economic and political circumstances, which may vary considerably from country to country, but also competitors, customers and suppliers, which can be aggressive to a greater or lesser degree. Therefore, virgin has its own strategy, based on their strengths and weaknesses in the interaction with the environment of the enterprise.

Create a price

One must consider not only changes in the operating environment and resource management issues. You must create added value. To ensure the survival of the organization in the long term, the organization must take the materials, add value, using internal operations, and ensure delivery of the final product to the consumer.

individuals and team performance can be aligned with corporate strategy

The current models of virgin organizational management such as strategic planning, balanced scorecard, knowledge management, talent management, quality management, competency management and intellectual capital have a common denominator: all seek alignment between human resources and organizational management, managing individual approaches, objectives and strategies of their own.

As everyone understands the long term goals of the business unit and the strategy to achieve these goals, efforts and initiatives of the organization can align itself with the necessary processes of transformation. Individuals can see how their individual actions contribute to achieving the objectives of the business ...
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