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Creativity & Innovation

Creativity and innovation are termed as the two main as well as an important elements necessary for the success of any firm or organization. This above mentioned statement is so obvious and this is the reason that why it doesn't require any further explanation. Yet on the same side, creativity is often termed to be elusive for all the individuals as well as for the organizations. While there are numerous skills that one can easily learn as well as employ in order to become more creative as well as better at various stages of the creative process. On the same side, there are numerous kinds of barriers as well that are not really related to skill building. Most important barriers among them are termed as emotional barriers, and they might not be seen at first and on the same side they are termed to be real as well and an organization or any firm can see them as well. Therefore, it is termed as the foremost responsibility of a leader to clearly understand all these barriers in order to generate best possible outcomes in a proper manner and by this only a firm can actually generate optimal outcomes in a proper manner as well (Michael,, 1992).


Among all the barriers emotional barriers are termed as an important one and this is the reason that why they should be properly handled in order to lead towards optimal outcomes. Below mentioned are some of the highlighted emotional barriers related examples:

I am not creative at all. This is one of the most highlighted kinds of an emotional barrier that can actually generate some worse outcomes as well. Being creative is an art and if a person try with full dedication as well as devotion then for sure best possible outcomes can easily be generated that can actually lead towards some positive results as well. Therefore rather than thinking like this, one should try to work with full dedication as well as devotion in order to help an organization or a firm to generate best possible outcomes in a proper manner as well.

No one cares about my own ideas. This is another important emotional barrier and when a person actually thinks and feels this way, it does not mean that a person does not have any kind of ideas. Despite of this it actually means that you are not confident at all and this is the way that can lead you towards negative outcomes as well. Therefore it is very much important to first have proper confidence level in order to be creative as well as innovative in order to lead towards best possible outcomes in a proper manner.

Some of the main as well as important questions related to creativity and innovation are mentioned below:

What is the culture of innovation in an organization?

Your company focus on new products creativity and innovation like Intel?

Is your company working in a proper manner as well as in a competitive advantage like ...
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