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The leadership is a crucial issue today where the borders were opened to trade globally, where organizations and companies are constantly in a constant struggle to become increasingly competitive, which has meant that the people who are up efficient and able to be really effective for the welfare of the organization or company . Speaking of organizations and individuals is essential to mention the drivers, today's leaders who achieve the success of their organizations and to guide their subordinates to achieve. The leader as every person has many flaws and virtues that must know, this means first looking within oneself, to know and then understand others and reflect on what you want to accomplish, which seeks to achieve with others to achieve success. This analysis leads us to understand and then meet each other and thus improve our performance as leaders, we are to benefit personal and / or our organization.

Leadership is an important aspect of management. The ability to exercise effective leadership is one of the keys to being an administrator efficient, etc., and the full exercise of all other elements of the administration (the completion of administrative work with all that it entails) has important consequences certainty that an administrator will be an effective leader, managers must perform all functions that pertain to their role in order to combine resources, human and materials in meeting objectives. The key to this is the existence of clear roles and a degree of discretion or authority in support of the actions of managers.

The essence of leadership is followers. In other words, what makes a person a leader is the willingness of people to follow. In addition, people tend to follow those who offer ways to satisfy their wants and needs. Leadership and motivation are closely interrelated. If you understand the motivation, be better appreciated what people want and the reason for their actions.

Leadership has been defined in a number of ways by variant people. In last 60 years, leadership has been defined in 65 classifications. Some believe that leadership is a process of focus group. From this point of view, the leader is positioned at centre in group and represents members' will. Leadership is defined from personality perspective according to which leadership is a blend of characteristics and features that a person has. They use those traits to direct the activities of other in order to achieve particular goals. In some other instances we may find leadership defined as activities and conduct that leaders undertake to change different things in a group. According to some definitions leadership is a power relationship between leaders and followers. Under this concept, leadership use power to bring change in others. Leadership is also defined as transformational process in which followers are moved to perform beyond expectations. Some also define it from skills point of view. In this type of leadership, such capabilities are emphasised that make leadership effectiveness possible. In simple words we can say that leadership is the quality of personality ...
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