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Answer 1

CEOs are in agency for a shorter and shorter. A study by Booze Allen in the largest 2,500 companies in the market of the CAP has shown that in a decade, the average has fallen more than 2/3rds of 9.5 years to 3 years and turnover is becoming less on the choice of director general. The non-voluntary reasons for leaving have soared 27% in 1995 to 70% in 2006. Now in 2008 with the crisis in our economy, rates have gone even higher.

It goes without saying that leadership is a core competency and here are the 10 best practice additional skills base for the manager:

1. Vision - The general director, possibly with the help of her team, creates and transmits a compelling and inspired sense of the fundamental objectives. This is based on the vision of the future, not today's reality.

2. Strategic conceiving "Once the vision is conceived and appreciated, it is absolutely vital to evolve a viable design to get power to the yearned goal. The effective executive director can clearly see ahead and anticipate consequences and trends accurately, has a broad knowledge and perspective and can translate this into a plan based on key strategies that advance sustainable for the company.

3. Culture - The Executive Director is responsible for creating and maintaining the desired culture and the environment. If the vision is that the company is going, culture and values tell how the company arrives. Securities scheme acceptable behavior. The work is done through people, and people are profoundly affected by culture. Culture is constructed in numerous ways, and the CEO sets the tone. His every activity or inactivity drives heritage messages.

4. Communication. This ability goes beyond being able to articulate the company's values and vision. It is aligning people to the correct address and details of its role in running the business.

The CEO must effectively communicate not only internally but also externally with the Board, the financial community, customers, suppliers and the community. Some may contend that productive connection with the Board is the prime core competency. Weakness here is surely going to be trouble.

5. Building an effective executive team - How a team of management and functional areas of concerts and working together is an important skill. The CEO's responsibility is to manage the business so that departments and individuals work together to fulfill the vision.

6. Business Acumen - The CEO should have the following ...
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