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Management has great impact upon the success of organizations. In today's fast pace of competition, management along with resources and the technologies being implemented by the company plays an important role. May authors have written the literatures and conducted the research studies in order to find out the significance of management in the organizations whether they are business organizations, health care organizations or the educational organizations. Many famous books have been written by the authors, in which the certain types, styles and way of managing and leading the employees and individuals are highlighted. The book have also highlighted the factors and elements that have direct impact upon the leadership. This paper also aims at discussing few of the significant management books in which the authors have discussed the issues related to the management and has given their suggestions as well as their proposed models and styles in dealing with management and leadership. Also the questions to the answers are also given.


There are many book written on the management issues that involves not only addressing of issues but also, these books have also given many concepts that the employers can implement in their business management for the active management of employees and to ensure the effective leadership. The answers to the questions relating to individual books are defined below:

Book 1: Beyond Change Management

1 - Describe the four quadrants that conscious changes leaders must address, to be successful?

Answer - Leadership requires that the person must have certain skills in order to lead the management to implement the successful change in the businesses. The author in book “Beyond Change Management” has described that if the managers increase their ability by having the potential elements of leadership quadrant in their personality. The elements of these quadrants involve:

Valuing: this involves for having the successful leadership skills and to ensure that all the employees must have positive impact of their skills, the leaders must value the rights and opinions of other members in the group or of the employees.

Relating: the leader must have the ability to analyze the management situations and propose the solutions that are related to the business goals and objectives. The leaders for having the appropriate acceptance in the business must also have the ability to derive the changes and relate it to the employees' performing ability and the organizational objectives.

Visioning: the effective leadership calls for the ability to have the appropriate vision and missions for the success of organization in log run. The leaders must find out the potential opportunities in the markets and the abilities of the employees and must have the ability to develop the distinctive vision for having the competitive advantage.

Directing: this is the most important quadrant of effective leadership. The leaders must have the ability to lead and direct their subordinates for the assurance of achievement of the common organizational goals. the directing element not only requires that the work needs to be done, however, it also requires motivating the employees and subordinates, enhancing their skills and developing ...
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