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Assignment 1

The multinational company that I have chosen from the United Arab Emirates is 'IFFCO'. It is a UAE based business house, which manufactures and markets a well-integrated range of consumer products.

How Company uses Globalization and of Products to Increase its Viability

Over the last three decades, IFFCO has developed brands that have built a substantial market share in the United Arab Emirates as well as internationally by offering their customers with good value of money (, 2013).

The company has used globalization and of products to increase its viability by growing its businesses consistently through acquisitions in the UAE and internationally as well. It has ensured diversity and equal opportunity across different stores worldwide by fostering a multi cultural, multinational and gender varied workforce.

The company has put great deal of efforts in bringing intelligence, capabilities, insights, energies and innovation for creating superior quality products and services that satisfies the consumers all over the world.

Application of Management Theories by IFFCO

The application of management theories by IFFCO are focused towards satisfying requirements of customers through innovation and excellence; and by providing organizational level prospects and forums to employees for two way communication to develop effective work performance and surroundings.

Managers of IFFCO are focused on building and enabling sympathetic working environment that permist for free exchange of views and ideas.

Assignment 2

Impact of Islamic Finance and Halal Products on Abu Dhabi Company

In recent years, Islamic finance and Halal products have gain great consideration from the consumers all over the world. The 'Allied Foods and Trading LLC' based in Abu Dhabi has to manage its finances through Islamic finance systems that allow minor amount of interest or impermissible income on investments, as long as purification is undertaken (, 2013).

The Allied Foods and Trading LLC follows Halal food supply chain in manufacturing of its products to cater greater number of Muslims in UAE as well as internationally. The use of Islamic Finance and offering of Halal products by Allied Foods and Trading LLC will enable the company to expand its offering to numerous other Muslim countries and therefore, would have bright prospects of target market expansion.

Assignment 3

Management Theory Relevant to UAE

The details on management functions performed by the managers of UAE are given below:


Planning is a phase of critical and creative thinking where managers of UAE based corporations investigate the situations, set the goals and strategies, and the resources that are needed to accomplish those ...
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