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Examine how manager manage change in organization with real life examples

Examine how manager manage change in the organization with real life examples


The common question that people ask is that can the organization change their working structure. Because despite many promises majority of the organization have failed to portray positive change in their working structure (Ambrosini & Bowman, 2009, pp. 29-49). The inability of bringing a positive change in a public company raises a serious question over the capabilities of the management and their role in this direction.

However, before analysing the role of manager in managing organization change it is necessary to understand the concept of organizational development, which is the process of change that has a formidable impact on organization performance structure, its employees, and other members of the company. In general, conditions organizations deliver change in their structure, in their working pattern, employees, procedures, and others.

From the management perspective (Birkinshaw et al, 2008, pp. 825-845) explained that management of change is a nonstop method of bringing the company in line with its position in the market by acting in more effectual and well-organized manner and implementing the process of constant gathering of the necessary information from across the organization. (Burke & Ng, 2006, pp. 86-94) Agree with the above facts and explained that proper management of change in an organization is essential in prevailing competitive environment as it reduces the threat of de-motivation, incentives features, and manage internal and external barriers from affecting organizational performance.


In order to keep up with the pace of changes in the business environment the concept of organizational change has gained tremendous importance function, and as according to (Damanpour & Schneider, 2009, pp. 495-522) more than 1 billion extensive literature is available on this topic. It allows the researcher to develop a consensus on issues like organizational change, implementation of the proposal over large-scale, change in strategic thinking, and change in management policies.

Theories of organizational change

Extensive literature on the topic of organizational change and function of management endow people with a range of theoretical perceptions that portray a somewhat puzzling image of this situation; however, it provides valuable information about the context of change in organization, impact of revolution, and the role played by managers in accomplishing that change. Many theories overrule the importance of humans as a significant part of change, whereas, other theories consider manager determinant actions responsible for initiating change. Even though (Fernandez & Rainey, 2006, pp. 168-175) explain that environmental, cognitive, and lack of resources raises obstacles in the way of actions taken by management.

These fundamental theoretical viewpoints endows general public with contradictory reviews regarding the possible grounds of bringing change in the business, in particular about the capability of managers in initiating the change. In spite of contradictory views of theorist (Kavanagh & Ashkanasy, 2006, pp. S81-S103) extensive literature points out that managers are solely responsible for continual change that is occurring in the organization.

Meanwhile, (Ford et al, 2008, ...
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