
Read Complete Research Material


Units 531 and 532

531 - Understand How to Manage a Team

(Knowledge Only)

Level 4

Credit value 3


Define the key features of effective team performance


An effective team is where the manager set clear goals and provides the team with an overriding purpose which is linked to the organization business objectives. It is essential that the cohesiveness of the team is maintained by defining clear team roles and responsibilities that enable each team member to collaborate and contribute toward team goals.

Performance is achieve by management setting smart targets for each team member based on goals and plans that can be measured and monitor periodically. Feedback must be given to each member of staff at monthly supervision meetings so that they can adjust their practice to achieve productive and effective work.

Attention should be given to respecting the diversity of team members and building time and space in the schedule for team members to forge good working relationships with each other. There must be a mechanism or procedure to manage conflict when it arises such as a grievance procedure; regular team meetings and clear performance standards and code of practice.


Compare the models used to link individual roles and development with team performance. Include in this these models;-

Team development activities

Induction into a new team


The models I will compare in relation to teams roles, team development and performance are the Belbin team roles at work and the Syner and Connolly Cycle of developing team working skills. This comparison will identify the similarities and differences of these models and make reference to inducting a new member of staff into the team with examples drawn from my own workplace.

Belbin 1981, 1993 have identified nine distinct team roles that research evidences demonstrate that individuals have a preferred team role measure through and a Belbin Inventory. Effective high performing teams are ones where there is a range of difference team's roles in balance. Each team role has both strengths and weakness and combining different team roles reduces the negative effects of team roles clashing.

Examples of these nine roles are;


The first Team Role to be identified was the Plant. The role was so-called because one such individual was “planted” in each team. They tended to be highly creative and good at solving problems in unconventional ways.


One by one, the other Team Roles began to emerge. The Monitor Evaluator was needed to provide a logical eye, make impartial judgements where required and to weigh up the team's options in a dispassionate way.


Co-ordinators were needed to focus on the team's objectives, draw out team members and delegate work appropriately.


When the team was at risk of becoming isolated and inwardly-focused, Resource Investigators provided inside knowledge on the opposition and made sure that the team's idea would carry to the world outside the team.


Implementers were needed to plan a practical, workable strategy and carry it out as efficiently as possible.


Completer Finishers were most effectively used at the end of a task, to “polish” and scrutinize the work for errors, subjecting it to the ...
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