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The management team is required to build a Cinema. The name of the Cinema is Star Cineplex. In this assignment we will discuss the planning, quality, timeframe management and measure the quality of work by the team. The risk structure and how to mitigate the risk is also discussed.


To inspire, inform and entertain through the universal language of cinema arts and to serve as a cultural and educational resource for all. Star Cineplex's mission is to give our customers an entertainment experience in a today's stressed lives. Our customers will relax in comfort and watch high-quality presentations movies, which is easily accessible. We aim to please the local community Tohidi (2011).

The work schedule has a break down structure which means that each individual of the team has to perform a certain task. The project deliverables shall include building of a state of the art Cineplex at par with international standards, a chain of food outlets catering to the need of the visitors coming in the Cineplex and a parking of two hundred vehicles to provide ample parking to all visitors. Every project has a time frame. The following table represents the time structure for the project.

4. Project Milestones

Estimated Schedules

Project Milestone

Target Date (MM/DD/YYY)

Project Start : The project will be started from the month of September 2012


Construction of the building


Interior designing of building


Construction of Parking lot


Opening of Food outlets


Risks Break down

The risk break down structure for the project has also been made to mitigate or to avoid the risk.

RBS Level 0

Level 1

Level 2


All Sources Of Project Risk

1. Internal Risk


1.1.1 Stake holder

1.1.2 Financial

1.1.3 Budget & accurate Cost allocation

1.1.4 Constructor

1.1.5 Sub Contractor

1.1.6 Scheduling Error

1.2. Project Risk

1.2.1 Scope Definition incomplete

1.2.2 No control on Staff Priorities

1.2.3 Lack of communication & Co ordinations

1.2.4 Priorities Change

1.2.5 Public awareness not planned

1.3 Design Risk

1.3.1 Technical Issues in Planning

1.3.2 More Complex Design

1.4 Organizational Risk

1.4.1 Inexperienced Staff 1.4.2 Insufficient time

1.4.3 Theft / Security

1.5 Construction Risk

1.5.1 Supplier

1.5.2 Material Quality

1.5.3 Procurement

1.5.4 labor Shortage

1.5.5 Accident

1.5.6 Permits & regulations

1.5.7 Contractor Dispute 1.5.8 Rain

1.5.9 Strike

2. External Risk

2.1 Environment & Safety Related Risk

2.2.1 Noise Pollution cause by Project

2.2.2 Accident Occurrence

2.2.3 Excessive Approval by Govt

2.2 Political Risk

2.2.1 Bureaucracy

2.2.2 Political Party Interference

2.2.3 Law in Order 2.2.4Cooruptiopn in Government

2.3 Economic

2.3.1 Inflation

2.3.2 Increase in taxes

2.3.3 Cost Escalation

2.3.4 Export & import freight restriction

2.4. Other External Risk

2.4.1 Weather Interferences

2.4.2 Natural Disaster

2.4.3 Customer

Project Team

The project team is involved all persons who have a part performing take on the venture. The undertaking crew ought to have a clear comprehension of the work to be finished and the skeleton in which the venture is to be executed. Since the project team is answerable for finishing the work for the undertaking they played a nexus part in making the project plan incorporating demarcating its docket and work bundles. The project team needs an itemized level of correspondences which is attained through normal communications with the project ...
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