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Implementation and Relevance of the Generic Change Theories in Ministry of Defence United Kingdom


I want to communicate my genuine and heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to:

GOD ALMIGHTY, without whose help and guidance this task would have been impossible.

ALL the members and officers of the Armed Forces whose sacrifices till date had ensured the comfort of choice and freedom for all of us. They go on a mission wondering if they will return, to see tomorrow so all of us can have the luxury to live our life freely and without any danger. There are not sufficient words to express our gratitude for your bravery and sacrifice.

My Teachers and Tutors for contributing to a rewarding academic experience by giving me intellectual freedom in the way I carried out my work, supporting me, engaging me in innovative ideas and insisting on best quality of work in all my endeavours.

Finally I would like to acknowledge my family and friends whose support during this assignment made it possible for me to complete it keeping in mind the highest standards. First and foremost my thanks to my Mom and Dad for their continuous support and believe in me and my abilities. And my friends for not minding my long absences during the get-togethers.

Declaration by the Author

I hereby confirm that I am the one and only author of this assignment and that no part of this assignment has been available in print or offered for publication.

I verify that, to the greatest of my understanding, my assignment does not breach upon any copyright material nor does it infringe any proprietary rights and that any techniques, quotations, ideas or any other text written by other people quoted in my assignment, be it published or otherwise, have been fully accredited in accordance with the customary practices for crediting the source.  

I affirm that this is an exact copy of my assignment and that this assignment has not been submitted anywhere for an advanced degree to any other Institution or University.

Executive Summary

This assignment basically aims to confirm the degree to which the generic change theories can be applied to an organization as unique in its activities as the Ministry of Defence United Kingdom in comparison of other private companies. Also this assignment explores the main factor that can potentially manipulate the attempts made by the Ministry of Defence to implement change process in their internal policies and processes. Considering the fact that how extensive these change attempts are in an organization and their reported substantial failure rate which is quoted to be close to seventy percent very much deserves our attention and research. It may be noted that numbers of scholars have presented their studies in this regard and almost all these studies are descriptive in nature which somehow limits the knowledge and ability of these studies to develop relationship that will either make the change efforts fail or succeed. Change process is often viewed as ineffective because of its failure to bring about the desired changes but to abandon this effort is not up to the employee but this transformation is faced by ...
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