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Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management


The objectives of this discussion are to understand how the hospitality industry is managed and what comprises the industry. There are numerous issues that can arise within the industry; these include ethical issues, health and safety issues and even HR issues. The industry is wide and that is why there is a lot to cater and a lot to handle within it.

Literature Review

Task 1

1.3/ P3: Ethical issues e.g. during the Olympics, hotels charge over health and safety issues both for the customers and for the staff in hotels/ ethical issues (price, tariff etc.) Importance of hotel records for both the customers and the staff (immigration issues)

It is important that each hotel stick on to ethical practices for good governance. There should be a proper policy that has been stated regarding ethical commitment along with dealing with the issue of a Code of Conduct to staff as well as dealing with the customers ethically. To get rid of any sort of ethical issues like during the Olympics the hotels usually start charging extra over health and safety issues, the company policy and the ethical standards should be chalked out for each act. It is important than any such policy should be made known to the staff as well as the customers of the hotel.

Hotel staff at all levels may have a direct contact with hotel guests, majorly those who visit quite often or those who stay for long with them. Maintaining proper records is essential to know who has come and what services has he used within the hotel. The staff is expected to offer the services to their customer in a very professional manner, they are restricted to provide them with any sort of unauthorized personal services, and that is a major reason why everything should be recorded. The hotel management needs to let the staff know about clear guidelines and instructions. In order to promote good practices and an ethical culture amidst the staff, it is integral for the hotel management to carry out training workshops for staff so that they know how to work ethically. Once they know how to handle health and safety issues ethically they will aid the customers gain knowledge about it as well, giving them details of how to go about it (Rebecca, 2000, pp. 43-66).

1.1/ P1: What is Hospitality, Benefit of hospitality industry different types of hospitality organization (i.e. hotels, restaurants, timeshare, B&Bs etc.) Various dependents in the hospitality organization in general.

Hospitality is an industry that is spread across the globe and includes numerous hotels, bars, restaurants, cafes, fast food outlets and coffee shops, which have actually made the industry to be one of the largest job contributors globally. There are certain benefits, which are related to working for the hospitality sector like comprehending skills, which will aid in making much more money wherever you are in the world, working for a sector, which is rapidly growing. It offers flexible working hours; through which you have fun and are ...
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