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[Name of the University]


Culture: Question 1

The University of West of England has deep and enriched cultural roots, which are transferred among the various students and faculty. During my experience in the university I have witnessed a highly professional and quality driven attitude among all of the university related stakeholders. There is a sense of honor and prestige involved with the traditions and culture of the institute which dates back to the year 1595. As per the Schien's three levels of culture the artifacts layer of culture present in the university is focused on the amicable and open communication culture. The teachers, as well as the students have a very expressive and an approachable attitude. The espoused values are present in the inspirational vision statement, which is based on advancing knowledge and inspiring the students. The shared basic assumption is dependent on the historical cultural roots of the university.

Question 2

The managerialistic perspective on organizational culture is based on developing the positive and efficient practices within the employees. The social aspect is generally differentiated from this aspect and related to the comprehensive perspective. In this view the goals and the attributes of the individuals in the organization are considered rather than only the managerialistic goals. The employees in the company formulate a community, which developed certain cultural attributes. The social perspective on culture can be focused on the subcultures that develop from the mainstream Schein's stated cultural assumptions (Schein, 1990, pp. 109). The mission and vision statements are the formal managerial perspectives on culture and the desired employee attributes, whereas the subcultures formed within the various employees which are a reflection of the cultural assumptions are the forms of the social sciences approach to culture. The mission and the vision statements would represent the managerial perspective, whereas the cultural norms such as celebrating coworker birthdays or casual dress days can be viewed as cultural developments originated from social sciences aspects.

Question 3

Organizational culture is defined as the stated or non stated activities which become a part of the professional attitude. The culture does not have a direct impact on the organizational activities; rather it has a subtle and indirect influence on all of the activities carried out by the organizational stakeholders. It is a representation of the ideology of the organizational entity and the strategic outlook. Culture can be controlled by the managers, if they take the adequate action. The managers have to play the role of cultural leaders and role models to help motivate the employees. The cultural factors such as open communication and team based approach can be identified as the positive components of the organizational culture. Other components such as continuous learning are also important cultural factors, which are employed by various companies. Toyota highlights Kaizen as an integral part of its cultural structure and the mangers seek to inspire the employees to adopt the relevant learning oriented attributes.

Question 4

Leadership is an essential requirement of a contemporary manger, as the manager has to be able to motivate the ...
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