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Applying Organizational Behavior Theories

Applying Organizational Behavior Theories


Achievement of the objectives of the organization involves the creation, dissemination and implementation of organizational behavior. Such systems exist in every organization, but in different forms. The most effective proven are those that are consciously created and regularly monitored and refined by the system. Improvement of the systems is based on the ever-growing knowledge base of behavioral science (Kreitner, 2007, pp. 2-20). Like any other organization, ABC organization is also facing certain challenges regarding development of organizational behavior. When I have been employed in this organization as a senior manager I tend to apply certain organizational behavior theories and leadership styles. Here, those styles and theories will be discussed which I applied apply as I do not believe in ruling over people but working along with them.


The main objective of organizational behaviors theories is to identify the most important human and organizational factors that influence the achievement of organization goals, and create the conditions for effective management. Some identify the factors are beyond the control of management, others need to learn to manage (Kreitner, 2007, pp. 2-20). The end results are usually measured according to three main criteria: performance of the organization (for example, the quantity and quality of goods and services, customer service), the degree of satisfaction of workers (low rates of absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover) and individual growth and development (acquisition of new knowledge and skills).

Communication in Organization

The relationships between the members of an organization are established through communication, in these processes exchange are assigned and delegated functions are established commitments, and find meaning in being part of it. Organizational communication and information system should be a priority of any organization and so was mine. It is due to the fact that it promotes integration, participation and co-existence in an organizational culture (Kreitner, 2007, pp.158-180). Effective communication among employees is essential for the proper functioning of any organization; and that is why I ensured that communication must flow in all directions.

Downward Communication

It is communication from management to leadership or staff. I ensured that employees report they have the information necessary to do their job effectively. Messages flowing from top to bottom are almost always about routine information requests, it can also be orders specific instructions or decisions regarding actions to be undertaken, organizational measures and personal measures. The downward communication is characterized by too specific content, messages transmitted predominantly related to the implementation and evaluation of the task, work orders and specifications related with the functions to be performed, the objectives to be achieved, the lines of action which should be respected, the level of compliance with the task (Baker, 2002, pp. 1-15). This communication gives priority to the interests of the organization and often neglects the socio-integrative, other problems that usually appear in the communications are down ambiguity, imprecision and vagueness of the contradictory messages or orders issued.

Upward communication

It flows from the staff towards the direction, management company president. I ensured that employees have the mechanisms and ...
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