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Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management

Task 1

Analysis of the Structure of Hospitality industry

Hospitality industry in the United Kingdom is said to be a varied and broad industry which is said to range from a solo person organization it an organization that operates at a worldwide level. Hospitality Industry is said to make a major contribution when it comes to the economy of UK and is also said to employ a very large percentage of the population of the country. It is this industry which is said to be the main source of employment as well as income.

Figure 1: Fourteen Different Industries in United Kingdom (

Hospitality's importance as a sector

In United Kingdom there are more than 180,000 leisure and hospitality establishments and they are said to employee more than two million people in totality which is nearly seven percent of the population in UK. When it comes to the turnover of the industry, in the year of 2006 there has been a turnover of £65 billion which when compared to the turnover of education is £21 billion and when it comes to fishing and agriculture it is £5 billion. When it comes to restaurants, from the total population of UK there are half million people employed. From half million there are 400,000 people in totality who are said to work in hospitals. When it comes to analyzing the gender that is inclined towards this industry, there are more likely to be female's however when it comes to restaurants there are equal number of men and women. At a macro level the Hospitality Industry is said to employ individual who are young and are below the age of 25. The restaurants are said to have even more younger population. However, in the service sector there are likely to be workers above the age of 35 and below 55 (Houldsworth & Elizabeth, 2006, pp: 113-119).

Figure 2: Turnover of Different Industry Sectors (

Number of establishments

When it comes to the number of establishments, amidst the year of 1995 to 2005 the number of restaurants increased from 46,000 to a total of 46,000 and at the same time the number of hotels that were present had said to decrease from 12,500 to a total of 10,000. When it comes to the pub it had increased from 46,000 to a total of 49,000 and at the same time the number of hostels increased by a total 300 percent that is from 50 to a total of 150.

When it comes to the food and drinks consumed by the hospitality industry, the sector which gives in a high turnover is quick service sector. However when it comes to the revenue that is said to be received it is not more than that received by the restaurants and the hotels. There are regional differences when it comes to the consumption of the services of hospitality industry in UK. There is 7 percent of the workforce of UK that is said to be employed by the ...
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