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Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information

Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information


The following report will outline the management of communication, knowledge and information in company.


Division of Responsibility

The responsibilities in the Waitrose Super Market will be divided into the following.

Accounting decisions

Management decisions

Marketing decisions

Financial decisions

Supply chain decisions

Investment decisions

Retail decisions (Ferrell Fraedrich & Ferrell, pp. 186-189, 2005)

Sources of Information


Past Data


Business Journals

The purpose of management accounting is to provide managers with information needed to make better management decisions (Ferrell Fraedrich & Ferrell, pp. 186-189, 2005). Therefore, the management of information prepared for use by management, different requirements than to the information for external users. For management purposes is used as accounting information, which is subject to clear documentation and registration and any other information required by managers to make decisions. The latter can be obtained either from domestic sources, the organization, and external (such as the press, public opinion polls, etc.). In this case, all information, regardless of source of receipt may be both quantitative (ie, have a numerical expression) and qualitative (i.e., presented in the form of opinions, views, expert judgment) (Fitzgerald, Pp. 23-26, 2002).

Accounting and reporting;

Statistical accounting and reporting;

Operational accounting and reporting;

Optional credentials

The results of intra-and extra-departmental audits, internal and external audit;

The results of audits of the tax service (Fitzgerald, Pp. 23-26, 2002)

Materials permanent production meetings;

Minutes of meetings of labor collectives;

print materials and other media;

and explanatory memoranda, correspondence with superiors, financial and credit institutions;

Materials produced because of personal contact with the performers (Fitzgerald, Pp. 23-26, 2002).

For making operational decisions, full or partial information about the object of the study is needed. Incomplete information, which is subject to rapid processing, in some cases, it is sufficient for making operational decisions, but it can affect the quality of those decisions.

Sources of information management accounting purposes are determined using such information. For different purposes, various data is necessary but basic data are:

costs of production (Henderson & Hooper, Pp.56-59, 2006);

cost of goods (works, services);

issue and the result of the sale of products (works, services);

Data on profitability

Information Needed

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a method of making business decisions that encourages people to think about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that pertain to your company. Decision makers use SWOT analysis as the tool is simple and provides basic information that drives deeper discussions. A SWOT analysis begins by examining the strengths of the company, or the things that stand out in a company. Then the company's weaknesses are evaluated, and areas that need improvement. Next, policy makers must identify the new opportunities that are out there. This includes the study of new technology trends, buying patterns of consumers and upcoming events that could benefit your business. SWOT threats have to do with the identification of potential risks, business competition and changes in the environment external to a company. Decision makers then use the information to implement new strategies SWOT, internal improvements and risk analysis (Henderson & Hooper, Pp.56-59, 2006).

PEST Analysis

PEST analysis is used to assess the macro-environment, including political, economic, social and technological factors affecting the ...
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