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Sales Planning

Sales Planning

Introduction “We-Clean” is a well-established USA cleaning company supplying home cleaning services (e.g. carpet cleaning) to the general public and to daily office cleaning services to businesses. The company has a small sales force which visits its business customer's premises to discuss their requirements. The company is planning to move its operations to the UK and for this they have to set up a sales management agenda while using the existing USA sales team with new UK sales professionals. The new sales manager in UK will have to discuss the sales strategies which be implemented in UK with the USA CEO and for this, detailed notes on the given sales agenda are prepared.


Sales Strategy

Personal Selling

Although, there are various kinds of sales strategies but the organization will initially focus on personal selling. Personal selling is usually associated with industrial marketing, but today they have become an indispensable tool for promoting and working with large customers working in the retail industry, and with all organizations engaged in large-scale purchases (Smith and Hansen, 1996, pp. 1-11). Personal contact is a huge advantage over other tools of promotion, as it allows you to direct the presentation of the goods to the potential buyer, communication process to provide feedback and create an individual approach to each customer.

Goal and task of the personal selling is to prepare by direct personal contact, as opposed to the impersonal forms of market communication, the ground for sales transactions or to affect this immediately. Both the personal selling as the direct mail aimed to influence a target person on a personal interview or a sales letter with personal address for the purposes of the company. The personal selling is particularly important for complex products and services are of central importance (Leader and Kyritsis, 1994, pp. 168-230).

Promotion Mix and Personal Selling

The promotional mix, also known as promotional mix, media mix, promotional mix, or mix of communication refers to the set of elements or tools to promote a company or product. Referring to the function of promotional mix, personal selling also supports the promotion mix of a company. Personal sales imply a relationship alive, immediate and interactive relationship between two or more people (Trehan and Trehan, 2010, pp. 21-38). Each party is able to observe directly the needs and characteristics of the other, allowing you to make immediate adjustments.

Personal sales allow all kinds of relationships, from a mere sales relationship to a deep personal friendship. Effective sales representatives maintain the interests of their clients at heart, if you wish to establish long-term relationships. Personal sales make the buyer feel compelled to respond after hearing the sales presentation. The buyer feels a responsibility to be attentive and responsive, even if it's just a cut "thank you". These advantages come at a cost. A sales force represents a financial commitment fixed (Trehan and Trehan, 2010, pp. 21-38). You can enable or disable the advertising, but the size of a sales force is more difficult to ...
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