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Being a Leader is Vital for a Manager to gain Team Efficiency and Effectiveness

Being a Leader is Vital for a Manager to gain Team Efficiency and Effectiveness

Research Proposal

Problem Definition and Rationale

Before working on any project, it is indeed necessary to understand the central issue based on which the project exists. In this case, this project is targeted towards understanding the role of management and its implications towards gaining efficiency and effective results from the following teams

A manager plays a very important role when it comes to the working of any team. However, at many places, the managers actually fail to understand their importance as leaders and develop their personalities as more of authoritarians rather than team leaders.

Statement of Aims and Objectives

This part of the proposal stands as the heart of the project because without it, the project does not have any direction to follow for fulfilment. With regards to the desired aims and objectives of this project, the definition of the following points is extremely important:

Specification of Purpose

The purpose of this project is to help managers in understanding the importance of their roles as team leaders and team players. Moreover, this project will also result in providing important information to teams regarding effective and efficient performance.

Scope of the Project

This project is directed towards the understanding of different qualities of the managers relevant to being a team player and team leader. Moreover, the definition of the importance of these qualities will help employees and managers from all the levels of management hierarchy in achieving high team efficiency and effectiveness.

Limitations of the Project

This project is indeed important for understanding management's role in achieving high end results from the team. However, several limitations are undoubtedly probable of posing barriers in the completion of this project including:

Access to Top Managers for collection of Information

Access to Organizational Efficiency records for developing efficiency levels of teams

Limited Scope of the Project as the sample size would be comparatively smaller than what is required to achieve international level results.


Since researches require the use of authentic, valid and reliable material. It is very much necessary that the resources used are of extremely high quality and academically sound. The possible resources which are usually used for the collection of important data include:

Scholarly and Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Academic Research Encyclopedia Articles

Authentic Internet Sources including Websites etcetera.

Business Magazines

Moreover, any other resource databases which provide authentic articles and news would be used for conducting the research. Where the above mentioned sources would provide information required for the collection of secondary research data, primary data for the research would be collected through:

Questionnaires designed for the collection of data from management and employees of different organizations.

Literature Review

Management refers to the execution of the most important activities relevant to the working of the employees including planning, organizing, leading and controlling. A manager is not only a person ruling the team from up top but actually helps the team members in achieving their goals by being one of them. The leadership role of the manager is basically regarded ...
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