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Personal and Professional Development

Personal and Professional Development

Part 1


Skill Audit

Skill Audit is one of the best approaches to evaluate ourselves. It covers all the aspects that are related to any of the individuals. Skill audit may cover various aspects such as self learning, problem solving, communication, time management, information searching, and information technology skills.

Skill audit determines the level of skills that an individual may possess. For my current studies the skills that are required and need to be learned include self-learning, communication, interpersonal, information technology, and the creation of notes skills.

The skills required for my future objectives accomplishments include entrepreneurship skills, financial skills, planning skills, managerial skills, and time management skills. For future objectives, I am supposed to have the above mentioned skills as I have an intention to run my own salon. In this connection I will pursue for the above mentioned skills. Financial skills are required for handling the financial affairs of the business for instance budgeting, and costing, and in the same way planning will be required for running the operations of business. Managerial skills will be required for running the administration of the salon (planning, staffing, organising, directing and controlling). Time management skills will be highly required as I will be in the service business therefore I will keenly be focused towards timely and smoothly running of operations.

Self Assessment of Skills


Ratings (Max: 5)







Time Management




SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis refers to the analysis of one's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This analysis is not only for the individual level but also for the businesses. One may conveniently understand to what extend an individual is capable of doing anything. (Smawfield D., August 2007)


My strengths include strong communication and managerial skills which will assist me not only at the present time but also for the future. As I have an intention to run my own salon in the future therefore my managerial skills must be effective which includes a versatile set including planning, staffing, organising, directing, and controlling.


My weaknesses include planning appropriately and financial skills. Planning is considered to be one of the most essential aspects of life and at this stage I am somewhat inconsistent. I am not able to utilize resources in hand for future objectives demonstrating my poor planning skills. The idea is to bring up my planning skills to allow me to create effective decisions.

Another weakness is the financial skills I possess. I am not that great with arithmetic so need to work on my math capabilities. If I am going to be a saloon owner in the future, I need to be able to handle finances, taxes, investments, and daily profits and losses. This is a major setback in skills and I need to develop them.


There are various opportunities that one can avail and as per my strength I have found my opportunity that I will be running my own business of interest which will not only serve my country but also to the society as ...
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