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Activity A1

Factors That Affect an Organization's Approach to Attracting Talent1

Type of Talent1

Corporate Culture2

Brand Power2


Diverse workforce3

Increase Productivity3

Improve Reputation and Market Share3

Increase in Creativity and Problem Solving3

Factors That Affect an Organization's Approach to Recruitment and Selection4

Recruitment Policy4

Growth and Expansion4

Competition in the market5

Recruitment Methods5

Internal Recruitment5

Job Advertisement5

Personal Recommendation6

Selection Method6

Application Form and CVs6

Assessment Centers6


Purpose of Induction6

Induction Plan7

The First Day7

The First Week8

Activity B9

Job Description9

Job specification9

Knowledge and Experience9


Selection Criteria10


Legal requirement Record11

Things to submit11

Letter to an Appointee12

Letter to a non Appointee13



Today's workforce is agiler than ever, they are responsible and ready to work at anytime and anywhere. In today's global changing context, work environment continues to change and so do the employees requirements and talent. Talent management is a proactive management which maintains the demand and supply of the critical skills and talent to ensure the operational continuity, sustainability and performance of the business. Successful organizations continuously evaluate and manage the talent gap in order to stay competitive and ensure revenues. It is necessary for organizations to manage their workforce and talent so that talented people could be nurtured and their personal development could be ensured. This is done in order to ensure employee commitment and productivity (Berger, 2004, Pp. 5-122).

Activity A

Factors That Affect an Organization's Approach to Attracting Talent

There are various internal and external factors which affect the approach in attracting talent (Berger, 2004, Pp. 5-122). Some of them are:

Type of Talent

There are different strategies to attract disparate skills and transformed workforce. For instance, for the operational staff the organization need to craft a different strategy with different perks and benefits as compare to the support staff to attract talent.

Corporate Culture

Every organization constitutes a different approach to attract talent for their company. Corporation intends to find skilled people who are ready to fit in their organization's culture. This is because, companies do not want people who are not ready to work in their culture, and disturb the already established culture of an organization. This is because; this disturbs the prevailing system and gives rise to conflicts (Bertoli,, 2005, Pp. 14-101).

Brand Power

Another factor which affects the organization and its approach to attract talent is the brand power of the company itself. The more brand power is; the more organizations will have to face difficulty in attracting people who matches their specifications. Organizations become more careful and more specific with their approach because they want creative and talented people who can align with their strategies and plays a significant role in improving the organization's performance.


Resources, both financial and non financial plays a vital role in every part of the organization; so does it have a significant effect in attracting the talent. The more resource is available for the organization, the more organization will spend for marketing and advertisement purposes. The less it has the more specific it needs to be. Hence, the availability of the resource also affects the organization's approach in attracting the talent.

Diverse workforce

Organizations in today's global era are intending to achieve ...
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