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The Management of Sub-Contractors

The Management of Sub-Contractors


The fast growing population of earth has facing many problems in almost all the fields of the life. One of those fields is the construction industry; the construction industry is expanding with time to fulfil the needs of the world's population. This has created a need of contractors and sub-contractors to achieve the goals of the construction company in time without affecting their other projects and at the same time provide employment. A sub-contractor is defined as someone who bears necessary skills provides the materials and equipments required to construct the planned adopted by the contractor. Subcontractor management is a group attempt that depends upon regulations to achieve the goals of the contract. The responsibility of the subcontractor manager is to ensure that each process completes in time with relevant guidelines. The need of sub-contractor manager is same as a normal manager of any industry. To understand this we will have to consider what the management is what are the functions of management. What are the role and responsibilities of a manger?


It is hard enough to properly define the management since there is no universal definition of management. Everybody defines management in his own way. Someone defines it as the get things done by the people. Some defines it as an art of knowing that what to do and when to do it in cheapest way.

The best definition that completely describes the whole process of the management is of Richard L. Daft. He defines management as “The attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources".

This definition has two parts; the first part defines the achievement of organizational objective in an organized method while the second part defines the function or responsibilities of the manager. These functions are also known as management processes. In order to achieve the organizational goals successfully a manger has to perform and obey all these four functions.


Planning is the central function of management process. It defines or sets the organizational goal to be achieved in near future. It is the process to decide what, when, how and who has to do to achieve the target. Planning has four fundamentals: Evaluation, Setting, Development and Formulation.


Organizing is the function of management that make sure the availability of all the recourses related to the proposed plan. Organizing make it confirm that all the resources either human or material are present so that no delay can be noticed in achieving the organizational goals.


Leading is the third basic function of the management it drives the human resource of the organization to the organizational goal by motivating and actuating them. In leading the main point is to guide the human resource, efficiently and effectively towards the targets of the organization and to encourage them to increase their efficiencies and abilities.


Controlling is the last process or function of the management it ensures the targeted advancement on the adopted plans by making necessary amendments as ...
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