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Models of Management

Models of Management


Based on the differences between different people, due to different mental maps and / or paradigms, their needs and relations are different from one another. Management of human relations is to discover these differences and then understand and make possible a more harmonious coexistence between different members of the organization, whether it is the staff or the managers. Cultural differences, the different experiences and backgrounds, and experiences that have shaped the character of the individual results in how each perceives reality, and therefore the way they react to it.


Part One

Within the better management of human relations, two aspects are fundamental. Firstly, improved communication and secondly, better development of emotional intelligence. Continuous improvement of relations between individuals can lower levels of tension and stress at work, resulting in a more collaborative environment, fostering creativity and innovation, generating less friction and resistance to change, not confrontation, and as obvious, increase motivation (Cole, pp. 125, 2004).

A person to go to work every day with the need to secure livelihoods, but most of them suffer the existence of an aggressive environment, which is confrontational and unfriendly. Then there are people who do their work in a warm, caring, friendly and respectful environment. The first case generates a low level of productivity, accompanied by disputes, high absenteeism, low quality, and little contribution to the company while in the second case conditions are suitable for teamwork, active participation, greater inter-work support among its members, a high level of productivity and quality, where the whole exceeds the sum of its parts. In a nutshell, such an environment provides an enabling environment for excellence.

The process should begin without question by the respect from the top of the organization and must fall to lower levels. Respect and human sensitivity of superiors towards their subordinates are adopted by them as organizational culture. Within this environment, the supervisor must ensure respect for each other and subordinate these to clients, suppliers, owners and other supervisors of the organization. It is on the basis of mutual respect are built companies of excellence, and becoming only an excellent company can claim to be highly competitive in the medium and long term.

Better human relations on one hand will lead to lower turnover and on the other hand, to better treatment of customers. This will thus in turn increase the loyalty of the customers. Both loyalties of employees and customers generate lower costs and increase profitability. As seen best in the business human relationships are not a minor issue, not simply a matter philosophical or humanistic, it is the success and survival of the organization (Dalton, Hoyle & Watts, pp. 29-35, 2006).

So one of the new features of current and future supervisors will be continually aware of the discrepancies between these for personal or with agents outside the organization, adopting an attitude of continuous improvement, which helps improve the workplace and consequently to obtain the benefits to above. Terms like "work environment" and "human relations" have been known for about forty ...
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