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Marketing Analysis of McGraw Hill

Executive Summary

In writing this report, we would undertake a comprehensive marketing analysis of McGraw Hill Publishing Company. We would consider the environment of the company with regards to porter's five forces. A SWOT analysis would be included and then critical marketing strategies like market segmentation, product positioning and Market Targeting would be considered. All of these strategies have a major role to play in the marketing analysis of McGraw Hill and thus are covered in great detail. Additionally, we will also look at the competitor position and the market standing of Pearson in comparison with McGraw Hill.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary1




Porter's Five Forces6

SWOT Analysis7

Marketing Strategies10

Market Segmentation10

Market Targeting11

Product Positioning12

Competitor Analysis13

McGraw Hill's position14




Marketing Analysis of McGraw Hill


The McGraw Hill publishing is one of the leading companies in the education industry of not only the United Kingdom but also on a global scale. They have implemented the latest technological trends like digital marketing, tablets and use of Electronic books that have been a major factor in retaining and facilitating the customers (Doole & Loowe, 2012).

Earlier there was increased reliance of students on books, but now books have increasingly been replaced by the latest technological advancements. They resort to the use of electronic books, tablets and digital marketing.

We would conduct a comprehensive international marketing analysis for McGraw Hill Publishers in the context of their current performance. We would also look at the role of competitor's performance in shaping our marketing analysis of McGraw Hill Publishing Company (Doole & Loowe, 2012).

Additionally, there would be a profound analysis of the social, political, economic and cultural environment pertaining to McGraw Hill. McGraw Hill has always aimed at increasing the knowledge of its users through providing them with the latest technological devices in order to aid them in their learning needs. The McGraw Hill companies have a number of brands like Standard & Poor's, McGraw Hill Education and J.D Power and Associates.


Digital Marketing

One of the potent forms of technology employed by McGraw Hill publishing company has been the increased usage of digital marketing. McGraw Hill was quick to realize the fact that books would become outdated and would be replaced by other forms of technology. Thus it has relied on the use of Digital Marketing for helping students meet their educational needs. In today's world, children are occupied with various digital devices that not only save them time but also saves them from the hassle of searching. Thus McGraw Hill has made it a point to make use of digital technologies that aid the students in their learning and educational needs. Students are not interested to go to the library and purchase books for accomplishing their learning needs (McGraw Hill, 2013).

Thus, McGraw Hill publishing has always focused on the use of innovation in catering to its students. Since students are more comfortable in using digital technology, they are offered devices like digital dictionaries, tablets and i pads that come with customized features designed for the ease of ...
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