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International Diversification of BP Company

International Diversification of BP Company


There were a number of major outcomes associated with BP's expansion into the international arena. Its main objective was to become the world leader in Russian Oil companies. The Internationalization agenda was based around being a world class company. World class companies are characterized by innovative and customer focused processes. International Diversification played a major role in the shaping up of Internationalization agenda.

All strategic decisions were directed to achieve this goal. Through this objective, there was also an enhancement in the gas supply which is its major area of operations. There was a massive improvement in the performance of BP Company with the implementation of International Diversification.

The BP Company implemented the best corporate practices which will further augment its International Diversification. Catering to global markets was an essential future aim of BP Company (Bergin & Tom, 2011).

There were certain challenges associated with successful accomplishment of International Diversification. BP Company has to overcome these challenges for a successful accomplishment of International Diversification.

It has been observed that there was massive improvement in processes because of this strategic decision. BP Company took a lot of time in thinking and implementing this decision but once it was implemented, it reaped instant rewards.


We have come up with certain solutions and recommendations for BP Company to successfully implement the International Diversification process. Many issues pertaining to Human Resource came under analysis and BP Company successfully encountered them. The solutions will augment the success of International Diversification for BP Company and it should implement them rigorously (Ritzer, 2011).

Communication Emphasis

Communication problems are paramount for International Managers and thus the Organization should devote its energies in addressing this factor. First of all, BP Company should train and prepare the international managers for the barriers they would have to face internationally.

If they cannot communicate effectively, it would be a constant barrier for their international development. It is very important for International Managers to know the language being spoken in that part of the world where the Organization is expanding.

It would be an added advantage for International Managers if they know the language being spoken. BP Company should train the International Managers in getting fluent in the language being spoken. International Managers should be efficient in their non verbal communication skills in order to achieve the Organizational goals in an International context. It has been observed that many employees are lacking in efficient non verbal communication skills and thus the Organization is suffering in meeting the International goals.

The nature of the work for BP Company is such that it needs its employees to be specialized in non verbal communication skills. One big reason for its International Failure is its employee's inability to exhibit good non verbal communication skills (Deshwal & Choudhary, 2012).

Focus on Power Distance

Another issue which demands immediate attention of BP Company is the issue of power distance. International Employees at BP Company have been complaining of unequal distribution ...
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